[center][h2]Bisuto Ketsu[/h2] [@AngelofOctober][@Gardevoiran][@Alias][@TheRedWatcher][/center] [hr] Ketsu giggled lightly at Yuno's misfortune, more from the suddenness of her cursing and follow-up expression than the sensation of schadenfreude - though he couldn't admit there wasn't a component of that present. Not that he'd tell her as much; he was actually beginning to like her personality. 'It's okay, Yu. Most people I know swear,' Ketsu murmured quietly after a tentative sip of his own coffee, if only to soothe her conscience. 'It's not like it's a lethal insult or anything.' Speaking of, he got the feeling Grant didn't like him so much, judging by how he'd immediately found something better to do after sitting at the table than talking to the people he'd bought coffee for. Specifically, going over to the two individuals who had entered the building and asking for the idol's autograph. And that prompted a question from Yuno: did he actually like Himehana's music, or...? 'On the one hand,' he uttered quietly, leaning in toward her, 'she is fairly famous, and a lot of people like her music. On the other hand, Grant doesn't seem like a music listening kind of guy to begin with, never mind the fact he's in his thirties... I'd be surprised to see [i]any[/i] guy in his thirties publicly admitting they like her music, unless they had no social grac- you know what, it's totally plausible, then, isn't it.' He cracked a grin as he cracked his joke, chuckling a little as he took another sip of his drink. Yuno wasn't wrong about the drinks being hot, and whilst his ghoulish biology would prevent any lasting damage from being had, he'd still prefer to avoid injuring himself in the first place. Little sips, little sips.