[@Rune_Alchemist][@Lord Sawsaw2] Alexandri's ear twitched as Ceri called the first time. She had heard a sound, but nothing so distinct as a name. She gave a quick look around, but by the time she turned her attention back to Illedrith Ceri was already grabbing at her hand. Alexandria blinked, but said nothing of the gesture. Holding hands was a bit of a foreign feeling to her since she had grown up without much in the way of parenting. Alexandria didn't comment on the situation, however, as it would've been rude. As Illedrith conversed with Ceri for a moment, Alexandria waited patiently. When Illedrith turned her attention back to Alexandria and replied, Alexandria offered her condolences. "My apologies for being the one to deliver bad news. It's not something I enjoy doing, really, but I figured you would want to know sooner rather than later." With that said, Alexandria turned her attention down to Ceri and put a soft smile to her face while she spoke to the shy girl. "Greetings, Ceri. I thought I heard someone else speak not too long ago, and it appears that I was correct. How are you faring?" Alexandria already knew the answer to this question, but she felt it rude to point out such an obvious condition, especially when that condition was not resolved at the current time. Alexandria turned her attention back to Illedrith for a moment to answer the questions that had been posed. "It isn't a problem for me to deliver the message, I had wanted to stretch my legs anyway after sitting for a while. I had planned on entering, yes. I don't know how much of a chance I'll have of winning, but I'd at least like to put forth the effort and be there encase anything goes wrong. I don't really have a formal team of my own, so I would be grateful to have some traveling companions for the trip. You have my thanks for the offer." Alexandria's years as a maid showed not just in her stance, but in her speaking as well. She was extremely polite and spoke in a way that frequently complemented the person she was talking to. It was no wonder why she frequently acted as diplomat between the two guilds and the higher authorities that they had to deal with from time to time: Alexandria knew well the ways of speaking formally. A soft breeze rustled Alexandria's hair and caused the various capes and and tassels that she wore to flow gently as it passed. Alexandria would've normally commented on the weather, but it was not her turn to speak in the conversation, and thus she remained quiet. The day was quite nice, however. Hopefully nothing bad happened to sour this weather. That was an uncertainty, however. The meeting was coming up soon and Golem's Hand had a few known troublemakers. Hopefully Guildmaster Delsin would be able to keep them all in line for the meeting, especially with the ceasefire being called. Alexandria did have a few grains of doubt, however, because there were some who saw every rule as a challenge rather than a barrier. It bothered Alexandria, but she didn't show it. All she could do was put her best foot forward and be ready encase anything happened. Traveling with Illedrith and Ceri would aid in this. Alexandria and Illedrith could make up a good frontline while Ceri supported them. Hopefully it didn't come to that, but Alexandria was thankful to be around other warriors encase it did. Misery loved company, but good company could keep you out of misery.