Pria hummed a little in response, trying to pick her words. He almost made it sound like it was a bad thing, and maybe it was? There's something to be said for a stable job or dedication to an employer. "Not to sound greedy but I try to find work that get me money fast. I can't wait to have my own ship." She smiled at him, hoping she did't seem to desperate or sad in his eyes. She didn't really care what the rich and famous thought of her but sympathy was just as bad. "Regular work isn't something I've avoided or anything, but a stable job gets in the way of doing things like what i'm doing now. Flying experience under my belt and some extra credits are better then flipping burgers all day for peanuts." A lot of minimum wage jobs were automated of course, but somehow that saying stuck with Pria. And it's not like every job was open to her. She spent all her life traveling, she didn't actually have a fancy degree or anything, despite the academic feeling she tried to give off.