Within the capital's keep Arathion paced back and forth in silent frustration, the silence uncomfortable to the other military officers who privately wished to escape the wrath of the frustrated elven prince. The tension was high as it obvious that the rebels, these so called Freedom Fighters were more than just a nuisance but instead a legitimate threat that was capable of marching against the king's armies. After what seemed to be an eternity for the aggravated officers council room's doors opened as an older man stepped through... and it was not the king. "[i]General Rowan.[/i]" Arathion acknowledged as he eyed the older man who appeared roughly in his mid fifties. The golden armored warrior turned almost immediately in anticipation but despite his knowledge and respect for the general, this was not the person he wanted to see. "Crown Prince Arathion of the Asur." The general replied. "My apologies, the king is not well so he trusts me to represent him in this council" Arathion's face inched to one of disapproval, it was painfully obvious that Aradia was not ready for him and the the king himself whether he truly was ill had no intention with meeting with the renowned war lord. Could one blame him? It would be hard too. Arathion may have been charming to other elves but was notoriously difficult with even other kings and such blatant disrespect could never go punished considering nobody willing crossed swords with the famed Asur. [i]"How unfortunate.[/i]" Arathion replied though he he little to hide the disapproval in this tone [i]"Very well, let's speak on this matter... your nobleman gave off one impression, your officers here, another. So what what exactly are you dealing with?[/i]" The general nodded slowly as if to compose his thoughts before he placing several sheets of paper on the war council's table. "These are the latest reports, scouts spoke of a possible incoming attack from the north. We've had no contact since then and we are assuming the worst" The others officers swallowed upon hearing this news with faces. They knew that the enemy was for real and gradually getting closer. "[i]These rebels, they appear to be far more organized and equipped then I was led to believe[/i]" "We have yet to determine an actual number. With the way this winter has been everything has been delayed, reports... provisions, troop movements, everything. If I had to guess? At least 10,000 if you take into account all of the rebellious outside regions. Their numbers are likely growing everyday" [i]"Even if that was doubled, is the winter that harsh that your forces can't properly march a force to counter it?[/i]" "Like I said, harsh winter. Our men had been chasing ghosts initially and now we are disorganized, chain of command is ruined. We have deserters and rebel sympathizers, wild monsters ravage the main roads and bandits picking at the scraps. We're losing" "[i]Give me an opportunity to meet their army in full force with mine. If they meet me in the open field I'll crush them and win this war for you."[/i] The arrogance was infuriating but General Rowan knew that Arathion was probably correct considering the Asur's legions world renowned reputation. "With 3000 men? You have no siege weapons, your lacking in heavy cavalry, not a single dragon..." A questionable response? of course but Rowan needed all the help he can get. If Arathion was disrespectful to the cause then it was only fair to question the Asur's commitment to this war effort. "My soldiers are far different then yours. Had I brought a real true elven army I might as well have snatch this land from you entirely. My father, my king insisted I only act on policing duty but it seems you have a full scale civil war on your hands and now I'm forced to try and win it for you" Another stab to the gut to the men in the room but again nobody dared to speak out in disapproval. The room remained silent for several moments as the other military officers knew that unless they had something of value to say, it was best to stay quiet. As Rowan reviewed the map of Aradia and the other reports, he knew he had to give in. "So then Lord Arathion, what's the plan?" "[i]This rebel force will win the country with ease... you need a victory, I'll give it to you. I'm taking command and I expect there will be no objections?[/i]" Arathion paused to survey the room, there was nothing that indicated a disapproval. "[i]Good. We will start with the provisions I've brought along. It seems that perhaps the food and supplies I've brought will be more valuable than my soldiers and fortunately for you I will have more in a fortnigh[/i]t." Arathion then stepped forward to glance through the reports once more before pointing towards the capital of Aradia on the map. "[i]We will start here, in this very city. The majority of the population is cold and hungry but there are numerous talents within this city. The provisions will go to them. Any individual that joins the king's army will be fed and properly equipped. They will be trained and mobilized to counter this rebel threat. To encourage smoother relations with your people, monetary rewards will be given out to any person who provides factual information on rebel movements, rebel names and so forth. False information however... is punishable by death. A fitting end for traitors." [/i] The crowd nodded at this statement, a good start. "You really think you can achieve both things?" Rowan questioned though it was not like he had an alternative plan. "Your king needs a victory. Without a victory the people will likely just open the doors to the cities themselves and let the rebels take it. We need to establish trust in the crown once more... have your men walk the streets let them know that fame and fortune awaits those who help restore order to the crown" "If the rebels know you are backing us. It may complicate the situation if they know who you are" Rowan warned. "If they know me, then they should realize this war is over for them and if they don't... they will, soon" Arathion shot back before walking towards the closest wall and opening the wooden windows to stare into the city's streets from his elevated position. "[i]They will[/i]"