[center][h2][color=ed145b]Tomoe Kishitmoto[/color][/h2] [img]https://imgur.com/SadY0bu.jpg[/img] [color=f49ac2][u][i]Location[/i][/u][/color] [b]Classroom[/b] [@pkken][@Silver Carrot][@Artymis][@Aerandir][/center] Roy and Hitomi both seemed to be doing fine, Hitomi mentioned how they had only met yesterday making Tomoe rub her head a bit in awkwardness. Hitomi also mentioned how happy she still is with her pony tail that she had left there from after they parted. Tomoe was glad the girl liked the style so much to keep it for this long. Tomoe gave a short grin and patted the girl on the back a few times. [center][color=ed145b]"See, see! I knew you would like it! You can do my hair next time if you want."[/color][/center] She moved her hand behind her braid to move it to the front showing it to Hitomi, she dropped her braid down as it stayed in front of her shoulder. Tomoe gave Hitomi a vivid smile and moved back to her seat as class started. [hr] After Tomoe her introduction she fell quiet, she still felt quite embarrassed approaching him out of her own will. He noticed her and stared right into each others eyes. They were about even eye level right now. He definitly looked intimidating but so did Roy and Roy was kind too so. Him standing up definitly made it more intimidating, he was at least two heads taller then her. She had to bend her neck to look at his face, he was overshadowing her like a big mountain. Looking at him now definitly made her legs shake a little as her mouth was somewhat agape. As her began talking his voice seemed to boom over her like a amplifier. In her eyes she saw him growing taller by the second, or maybe she was shrinking. Erza told her not to worry and that it was plenty if she at least tried and did her best, they didn't have to win. He seemed to come back to normal size when he told her these words. His words were kind, comforting to hear. She felt glad to have chosen to come to this person, he was as kind as she expected him to be, just like any tall person. Tomoe gave him a kind smile. [center][color=ed145b]"I'm glad to hear you accept me as part of the team hehe."[/color][/center] Next thing she knew she was already invited to tag along with him to get their stuff just like the teacher had told them too. A look of excitement went over her face as Ezra suggested to walk together. Tomoe nodded in excitement and wrapped herself around the arm of Ezra. She clutched herself to his arm as tight as she could. Walking with him a pace faster then she normally would. [center][color=ed145b]"Yaaay, I'd love to come with you! Hehehe."[/color][/center] [center][color=ed145b]"Hey hey, what is your full name Ezra. And and what is your quirk, as team we should know each others quirks!"[/color][/center]