[b][center]Sol'id Fist[/center] [/b] The Devaronian Job was a fairly good haul, though he wasn't entirely pleased if Sirka thought she would get apart of his cut. Not that he would be violent over it, probably. But Sol'id was not fond on negotiating. He could still admit she did her part, however. He grunted at the thought as he lay down the various blasters and grenades he had grabbed from the fallen men as they had departed. Most of them were only fit for scrap and selling. He'd take a few parts from them, however. Customize his rifle some more if it needed it. After today, he wondered if he could make the magazine a bit larger. Or simply make a secondary, smaller submachine blaster to aid in mowing down potential enemies if the need arose. Eventually, he tore a few of the components out of some of the more elite blaster rifles he'd found. The tri-vision scope was something he recognized, and he'd never really had cause to buy with its price, but now that he'd found one, he took advantage and kept it in his utility belt to be inserted onto his blaster later. He heard diminutive footsteps behind him, and turned around just in time to see the lithe Delni walking past. He saw she was startled by him, but since he was only fixing equipment, she offered him some food. He hesitated for a moment, and then nodded. "Thank you," he said simply, and turned back to his work. He fully expected to be on his way once they reached the station again, but something told him that wasn't going to be the case. Or someone would protest his resolve to leave. He was already uninterested in the personal politics of the other three, but he did somnewhat wish to help Elias in learning to be a true Mandalorian. He supposed everyone had to explore the galaxy first, however. Sol'id was lucky enough to be born and bred in trials by fire. Delni was also amiable, at least.