[quote=@BlackSam3091] [@Member 00492] Oh yeah? What is the episodic format then? [/quote] The larger group takes cues from the JLU cartoon series. Each Ep has a mentor/GM and a cast of 4-6 players, and every five or six episodes we all get together for the larger group team-up situations similar to the old cartoon. Each ep gives players a chance to interact with new heroes, and it makes the whole RP a little less convoluted. The larger team-ups can get a little nuts but that's why there's a post limit of 4-5 posts per player per episode. Collabs only count for the person who posted them and are encouraged, but for those of us with tighter schedules it's only required each player makes a couple posts or participate in a couple collabs per ep to let us know they're alive and to stay on the active roster. -00492