[@SleepingSilence] I tend to find it highly annoying when my players do my job as a GM so I tend not to point out flaws in other CS's because it's not my job and I imagine the GM would agree - otherwise he'd ask my opinion. And partially I find it really rude to bring up issues with other CS's unprompted. I would like to add from my previous interactions with you I also don't feel like you are capable of bringing a message like you are proposing (finding a flaw) diplomatically enough as a player to be able to avoid conflict. That is my opinion. If you, personally, were to ever point out a flaw in my CS, I wouldn't take it. Because I know how you word your messages. If what you are doing here is justifying actions you undertook before or after these posts, reconsider. I am telling you now - I don't think it'll work because people don't often follow the same rationale as you - if at all.