[quote=@mdk] Well she sounds lovely. [/quote] It sounds like scum that should be fed to sharks. 47 Meters Down style (movie reference). [quote=@mdk] Misgendering a person in the state of California now carries a heavier prison sentence than stealing a gun and murdering a human being. [/quote]I am calling everyone it from now on, because humanity doesn't deserve the respect of he or she (anything else is liberal garbage bullshit fiction). [quote=@mdk] [hider=I learned something today][img]https://i.redd.it/lzbw4yq7dr001.jpg[/img][/hider] [/quote] http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/10/31/having-white-nuclear-family-promotes-white-supremacy-says-new-york-professor-report-says.html Whites can't marry whites because that is racist, whites can't marry nonwhites and have kids because that is racist. I say go all in and white marry white, have white kids, and adopt mix race kids for the ultimate white racism.