[quote]God modding is when a character features god-like abilities, such as invincibility, mind control, or other unrealistic powers that might not fit with lore. Another form is when your character does something impossible that could kill them. Example: *Eric would grab the sharp edge of the sword with his bare hand, not having his palm or fingers cut in half.* Another example: *Luke would punch his opponent chest, despite it being covered with armor, it would break through and impale him despite not having any enhancement, or claw on him.* [/quote] That's the basic rule of God-modding. It has nothing to do with whether four character is a God or not, but making it believable within the rules of the roleplay. If you are playing someone who can only be killed by a certain character/weapon/spell/etc, you need to show that aspect as a threat. Perhaps you can have weaknesses in other kinds as well, like mental problems or something. Being immortal comes at the cost of knowing pain is irrelevant, so maybe they're suicidal. I can't comment on the RP itself for if you were treated unjustly, but your character should fit within that world and be of a suitable standard.