"Stay alive. I have questions for you to answer." He said. The moment she let go of the staff, Solomon dashed as fast as he could to the inn, hoping that the woman was doing her best to distract or otherwise dispatch the Fellmorans as he ran in the open. When he made it to the inn, he attempted to enter through the front door, only to notice the burning wood blocking his way. He didn't even try to move, knowing that he would end up doing so, which would probably cause the entire from of the building to collapse. He then remembered the window he told Amalthea to escape through if the Fellmorans came along and -well- they were here, to say the least. He circled around the back to find the princess just below the window. "AMALTHEA!" He half-shouted, half-whispered, running up to hug her. After a tear or few and the hug, Solomon put both hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "Is anyone else inside?!" He asked quickly.