[h2]Sir Tyaethe Radistirin[/h2] The incoming troll's attack was slow--too slow, too harmless. She could have avoided the grab, dropped down or dodged out of the way; a troll well on the way to losing half its blood simply didn't have the reaction times to keep up, even with the drugs keeping it on its feet. That, however, would have gotten in the way of attacking. And so, with the shield on her right hand, she broke its fingers. Though, in the heat of the moment, she'd rather forgotten that wouldn't stop it from trying to grab, even if it could no longer do so... Another hand dropped to the floor. It wasn't long before the troll itself followed, chest split by the repeat blows and no amount of drugging able to keep it going once its heart was split in two. Yet the paladin was already on the move before it was still, cutting down an orc and looking for another of the beasts--if, indeed, they were still up. At least they weren't much of a threat to [i]her.[/i] [hr] [h2]Lilianna Belwiss[/h2] [i]How did any of what she'd said translate to "run at the nearest troll?"[/i]