Sorry for the confusion. [hider=ember rowan] Name: ember rowan Age: 15 Birthday: December, 25 Sex: female Ethnicity: white Nationality: irish School Year: fourth Blood Status: mud-blood Hogwarts House: raven claw Pet: cat [hider=moony] [img][/img] [/hider] Boggart: grave stones that have her parents names on then and they turn into a patch of flowers Wand: yew, thestral tail hair, 13 1/2 in., solid Favorite Lesson: Her favorite lesson is care of magical creatures, because she gets to be in nature and with animals. Least Favorite Lesson: Astronomy, because she does not see the need for it, why should they have to learn about planets and stars so far away it is practically useless Extracurricular Activities: magical creatures club Appearance: Ember is a shy looking girl of only 4'3. Her Light freckles cover the bridge of her nose look darker because of her porcelain skin, that is clear of acne, she has a button nose and tawny hip length hair. Her eyes are the shade of sunlight shining through a whiskey bottle but can quickly turn jet black if angered. Her ears are slightly pointed and have three piercings, in them are little diamond studs. Her witches robes have always been over sized on her because of her small stature. When she is not in her witches robes she wears very conservative clothing. Since she was raised in a very conservative family. She usually wears a pair of black leggings along with neutral colored sweaters that are always a bit over sized for her. Her voice has a slight Irish accent to it. [hider=appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Since she came to Hogwarts she has resigned herself almost completely. She minds her own business, most think she is very strange for only talking when necessary. If the subject she is learning doesn't interest her she just wonders off into her thoughts, but somehow ends up with straight A's. She doesn't want to be around loud people. she much prefers the company of her cat. She is slow to anger, and is very logical much preferring to break you down slowly with witting comments that leave you a broken mess. She is always listening rather then talking. She is rather observant and can read most people like a open book. She can't quite tell when somebody's mad at her and prefers to stay away from people because of it. Backstory: Growing up was very hard for her. She grew up in northern Ireland on a horse farm, to a poor family that was large to say the least. Her mother married her father but it sadly didn't work out. So she was left with her mother. When her mother remarried she had a few more kids, And that's when it all started. Her step-father resented her for being fathered by her father which her mother refused to even tell her his name. Ember usually had many chores while the kids from the second marriage only had a few. She did not hate her mother for marrying her step dad she just didn't understand. When ember was in the barn one day, around when she was ten and her father had yelled at her to get back to doing her chores and refusing to let her mother give her, her lunch to her. She was crying in the barn when She found her kitten and named her moony for her moon struck sightly unfocused eyes, and then she found a friend in that little ball of fluff. The little kitten followed her everywhere. Little things started happening that year, a rake levitating for a second or a pie sidling off a window sill on it's own free will. Then the wizard showed up to talk to ember's parents, Her father gladly handed her over, Saying "one less mouth to feed" since the economic crash it had been very hard to feed all the kids . And that is when her life seemed to change forever. A friendly giant helped get her things and then she went to Hogwarts were she became a introverted raven claw. Coming home on the summers and holidays became easier over the years, because her mother gave up on her step dad and they got a divorce when she was twelve. Extra: nothing else [/hider] I hope you like it! [hider=writing example] [i]Ember runs down a corridor away from the great hall, crying. She had just figured out how many students attend Hogwarts and she was [b]not[/b] prepared for it. She stops at a corridor and paces one of the walls, her mind racing, her eyes gleamed with tears as she realized just how miserable she would be at this place. She was in desperate need for a kind hand and a soothing voice to comfort her.When she first heard the creak in the wall, she was walking past, she thought it was just her imagination, but when she reached out to keep her balance instead of feeling the cold of the castle's walls she found herself feeling a wooden door. When she walked inside there was a grey womanly figure sitting gracefully in one of the two cushioned chairs, Ember walked up to the figure and it spoke. [/i]"hello, is their something you need to talk about?" [i]and with that question, another sob raked through the slender girl. yes, there was so many things she needed to talk about but not one of them could she put into words. The figured slowly stood and guided the girl so she was sitting in the other chair. [/i]"shh it's ok you don't need to tell me, but i'm here". [i]The ghostly figure cooed soothingly. When the figure touched Ember even through her witches robes she could feel the cold, shivering, she said through her tears[/i]"who are you." [i]The lady simply stated[/i] "i'm the grey lady, the ghost of raven claw house." [i]Ember's eyes widened in surprise. The lady brushed her hand over ember's curly hair[/i] "It's ok i'm not going to hurt you, i'm just hear to help." [i]Ember slowly opened up to the kind ghost and after awhile the lady guided ember back to the great hall.[/i] [/hider]