[center][h2]Online_Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground_[/h2][/center] Upon seeing Grim fade into view, her shoulders relaxed. "Hey Grim." She said, her voice slightly solmen as she found herself repeating the words from Kohe's distressing email. Allegory glanced sideways, as if hoping he wasn't hear for the same terrible reason. Her chest grew heavy when asked about the email. "Yeah...I did." She sighed and took a few steps closer to Grimsley. "It's awful news. I can't believe it but that doesn't make it untrue." Allegory commented. A voice broke through the painful silence and it turned out Duskwalker was the third to arrive. Allegory flashed a wave to her. "I believe in Old Norse this place translates to something like...the Cathedral Which Hides Heaven...or something. It does feel quite secretive. But I don't think there's any danger here." She assured Duskwalker. Turning back around, she studied the empty spot where there was once a statue of a fabled girl. Now it was empty, almost lonesome in a way. "I had heard rumors about this place but never ever thought I'd be here." Allegory commented. It was amazing to consider how much work went into the music and graphics and millions of quests and stories. The World was a bit pricy but it was well worth it and provided Sachi a lot of inspiration as a literature major. Since she hadn't logged off yet, she didn't know that Kotaro was already digging into the mystery laid out in front of them though it wouldn't surprise her. [center][h2]Online_Mac Anu_[/h2][/center] As he was walking along the golden stone root town, Kohe made mental notes of the hundreds of players he passed. In his mind, he couldn't be too careful or too suspicious. For all he knew, someone online had some kind of devious virus that could put people into comas. He needed to treat all strangers as possible suspects. Kohe knew there were hackers who played The World, he knew a few of them personally, but he didn't think any of them would want to physically harm other players. KISU stopped and leaned over the large stone pathway and down into the water that flowed through the city like Venice. Kohe momentarily lifted his M2D and checked the time, noting he had a few more minutes. He wiped his eyes, as they had become a bit misty. He then returned to the game and saw a flock of blurred birds flying overhead. KISU shook his head and turned around, propping his arms against the rough stone barrier. Many players were happily going about their lives, making parties, trading items. Everyone seemed so oblivious but if they knew the danger, they would be better off abandoning their accounts. Kohe a contact at CC.Corp but that was proving to be a fruitless route. KISU continued to walk, the Chaos Gate was ahead, up a set of stairs and behind a large set of double doors. It was time to get going and move forward.