[hider=Thessir] Name: Thessir. Race: Nyxian. Age: Looks - 16. Is - 18. Gender: Male. Height: 4'6". Weight: 64 Lbs. Continent: Tenebra. Appearance: [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/011/f/1/the_sunset_wanderer_by_crystalfishltd-d3k9az0.jpg[/img] The main difference from the picture is that Thessir does not currently possess a sword. Aside from his well worn cloth hat and coat he wears a rather cheap black shirt and pants. I say cheap but the cost was quite high due to the black dye. On his feet he wears thick brown boots which are easily quite larger than his feet are, the oversized articles thumping about loosely as he walks. Beneath the boots he wears a pair of nice black socks. His skin is as pale as freshly fallen snow, tinging a slight lavender color around the tips of his ears and lips. His face is quite young, his cheeks a bit full and his eyes large and expressive. He has what most would describe as a perfectly crooked smile, one that sits right on the verge of being a cheshire grin. As is standard for a Nyxian his eyes are virtually pitch black with only hints of a sclera at the edges of his eye. His eyebrows are fairly thick, thinning out towards the ends. His hair and brow are as black as the darkness he commands. His nose is small and nondescript for the most part. He still wears his old blindfold though thanks to his hat the black band can spend most of it's time hanging from his neck. In places where it's really bright he'll don the blindfold all the same. The cloth isn't terribly thick so he's able to see through it quite well, especially in well lit areas. While things may appear as rough outlines through the fabric he can still navigate with reasonable reliability. In addition he also has a black cloth side bag which holds most of his belonging that aren't otherwise found on his person. _ Personality: They say what doesn't kill you makes you stranger. Thessir has plenty of reasons to be hard at heart. Death comes easy in the cthonic realm of the Nyxians. When the vicious beasts of the underground aren't besting unwary hunters rival tribes war for what meager resources they hold. All their lives are spent testing each other, measuring each other's skill and resilience. Respect is measured in one's mastery over the darkness and Thessir has come a long way to earn the respect his people give him. On the surface he is a strange one, even by Nyxian standards. He can often repeat himself and he talks to himself more frequently than what would seem normal. He often comes off as mirthful albeit rather eccentric. At times he can be quite forward, open and even fairly chatty. This is distant from his true self, a mask he's learned to forget he's wearing while he's around others. _ In truth he is a rather private and scholarly fellow. The History of the land and lives of those in times long past provide a fair deal of interest to him. Emotionally he's a sombre fellow, very tired of the non-stop turmoil that others bring. He's happier in the presence of age old lexicons over the company of people who think they're his "friends". When it comes to his past he's got a number of loose ends, each one causing him no small amount of sorrow and bitterness. In combat he is a tricky fellow, preferring to meet force with evasion and deception. He uses his magic to mislead and avoid foes while his various hands carry out the real combat. While he's very keen on not fighting in hand to hand combat, especially when it's his own flesh and blood hands doing the fighting, he shouldn't be underestimated. When his back's in the metaphorical corner he's arguably far more dangerous, willing to throw everything and the kitchen sink in order to survive. _ History: Only the strong survive. There are many different forms of strength to possess but no matter which path you choose to follow... Only the strong survive. Such was the tenet Thessir was raised by, as all the tribe was since the days of old. Agonizing then was the childhood of a youth who's body was naturally frail, naturally weak. The entire time he was always second to his brother. His brother was the better hunter, physically superior and more outgoing than he ever was. But the shaman saw something in Thessir that far exceeded the likes of his brother. Thessir had a far greater reserve of mana than anyone else in their tribe, even himself. The shaman detested him for it. He was a controlling man, and a greedy one too. He knew if someone were to grow stronger than him in the use of dark magic he would fall and the other would take his place. Thus the shaman used his position to monitor the growth of those who practiced the dark arts. While the parents often educated their children to an extent since the shaman was the most knowledgeable of the tribe in usage of the dark arts he was the one who'd teach the tribe's youth the art of dark magic. Students under the shaman would receive different levels of training. Those he believed were too weak to exceed him were given far more indepth knowledge of dark magic while those who threatened him were taught little and given the more dangerous tasks. This worked thus far and the current shaman reigned for quite some time. _ Thessir's life was hard, even by his fellow Nyxian's standards. He was always bullied by his brother, his sister and his peers. To top it off his family was always certain to remind him where he stood on the family totem pole. He was last, considered only after everyone else was first. Everyone else always received more love and care than he did for he was weaker than everyone else. They valued strength, the did not value him. In his training in the dark arts he was constantly being sabotaged by his fellow students, his brother most of all. Unbeknownst to him his brother was being pushed to hinder him by the shaman. Despite all the setbacks Thessir still pushed on, determined to progress in his training. Despite all obstacles he was getting better. Thus, the shaman concocted a plan to rid them of Thessir once and for all. Thessir was set a task. He was to steal some eggs from the queen spider's brood nest, a nest found deep within spider country. Set upon this task Thessir walked many tunnels and climbed many walls to eventually reach the lair of the spiders. He used his magic to blend in with the darkness, sticking to the remote corners and walking with silent grace. Eventually he made it to the queen spider's egg chambers. Just as he grabbed an egg from one of the many piles he could hear the sound of chitinous legs skittering down the darkened wall behind him. A gigantic spider, the queen spider, was approaching fast. It was furious with the intruder in it's egg chambers. _ Thessir conjured forth a black cloud of smoke, breathing a large cloud of it between him and the entrance where the spider was coming down. He ran, sliding under it's legs and past the beast and sprinting out the exit onto the narrow rock formation which served as a bridge between two floors. As he neared the exit at the other end of the bridge however a figure stood in his path. It was his brother. Jammed into both sides of the tunnel mouth were two large bright orange chunks of Explodium, an ore typically only found in the walls of volcanic tubes. This rare ore is known to explode when struck. It clicked in right away what was happening just as his brother struck the ore with a shadow whip. With a harsh crack followed by an explosion the mouth of the tunnel collapsed, sealing Thessir in with the spiders who were hot on his heels. There was little time to remain in shock at the sheer gravity of his betrayal. He had gone temporarily deaf from the bang of the explosion. For a moment the sense of dread at his impending doom weighed on him. He was not one to yield to the hands of fate however. With a desperate plan in mind he leapt from the bridge towards the face of the cliff. As he fell he summoned forth a hand, it's stock extending out from the dark surface of the stone. He landed hard in it's palm but luckily he was fairly light and didn't throw off his balance. This was a temporary purchase of distance as the massive spider and it's young were all clambering down the face of the wall towards him. Summoning another, smaller hand he leapt down and grabbed onto the arm. Hanging from the arm he commanded the previous arm to grab onto the queen spider's foreleg. As the arm snatched the huge arachnid's leg it swung up and away from the wall, yanking the queen off and slinging it into the chasm below. Thessir retracted the hand, still left with the issue of it's young which were approaching in the queen spider's place. Placing his palm upon the face of the cliff a black pool stretched across it's face. The strange inky darkness covered the surface with it's slick wet fluid which expanded until it covered the wall in the size of a small pond yet the shallowness of a puddle. It did not start to run down as gravity would insist until it reached it's maximum perimeter at which point the spiders were well within it's area. Their narrow claws found the purchase of the wall was now too slick to keep hold. The spiders slipped off the wall, cascading down after their mother much like the darkness which rained down upon the spell's reaching of it's boundaries. _ Thessir climbed horizontally along the wall, hand after hand until the nearly imperceptible sound of trickling water caught his keen ears which had finally returned to hearing by that hour. Careful not to make a sound he used his power to make his way down, climbing until he reached the source of the sound. It was an underground river. Thessir knew that fresh water rivers flowed out from the land, eventually into the ocean. He knew not how long this journey to the great blue ocean would take, only that it was his only way to survive. Without a map any other route would leave him wandering forever in the underground labrynth of caverns and tunnels, doomed to become spider or bat food. He traveled alongside the river, swimming when the stony banks were too narrow to continue upon. For food he used his dark hands to catch fish for such animals swam even in the lightless reaches of the underground. Such was how he lived for roughly two months, traveling riverside until the light of day shone in the distance. Tearing a strip of fabric from his now ragged clothing he wrapped a blindfold over his eyes. It wasn't thick enough to completely keep the light from his eyes but enough to severely dampen it, allowing him to see in faint shadows past the wrapping. Swimming out for the last stretch of river he emerged into the world beyond the caverns. The river ran adjacent to a small beach at the foot of a towering cliff. It was like an alien world to the eyes of one who has never left the cold darkness of the caverns. It was rather frightening but intriguing as well. _ He spent quite some time living there. He used the cave mouth for shelter, drank water from the unspoiled river and caught fish for food. Among the knowledges Thessir had gained in his forsaken exile one of the first was that he had a taste for fish. This peacefully simple life was brought to a close when he was discovered by a nearby fishing boat. As much as he enjoyed the solitude his mind was bored with the lonesome routine of simply living each day. When the fishermen came to investigate he offered them what fish he had caught as payment to take him anywhere civilized. They kindly accepted his offer, taking him back to their village on the island of Akilos. Since then he has lived in relative peace. The island was one of many near the border where Zephyru's land mass was torn from the earth. The coastal village he resided in was located nearby the island's trading port town where the island got most of it's business. Traders frequented this island commonly as it a good point of trade with the Zephyrs for those who lacked the funds to ship their cargo via airship. The village itself made it's living selling tropical fruit and fish to the port town. Thessir found he enjoyed the calming peace of fishing. The villagers were of good company too. They were a mixture of humans and Zephyrs, both having several generations worth of ancestors who also called this island home. They were by most accounts truly native to the island. Thus Thessir spent his time fishing at night, sleeping off the days. He was even able to eventually afford some nicer gear and even a hut of his own to stay in. Those were nice bonuses but largely he fished for the pleasant peace in biding his time between catches. When his needs were met he largely spent the rest of his spare money on books to read. This island had pretty much everything he never knew he wanted before. He laid in his hammock, hat well forward over his eyes as he swayed with the wind in blissful rest. _ Weapon: An obsidian dagger. It was cut into shape with darkness magic. The bottom of the blade dulls into a rectangular bar with a cloth wrap, serving as the blade's handle. Powers: [u]Jet Arms in Hand - Tier 1[/u] Thessir uses this power to manifest weapons shaped from pure darkness either for himself or the hands generated by his "The Hands of Fate" power. These weapons share the same magical properties and limits of other powers which make use of dark mass such as "The Hands of Fate". The properties of the metal used for the weapon are decided by the amount of mass used to create the weapon, more potent metals requiring more dark mass per inch. The materials created for the weapon are always black as pitch. [u]Swamp of The Dripping Night - Tier 1[/u] Upon casting this power Thessir places his finger tips against a surface and a pool of ink-like darkness will expand from the points of contact. The fluid will expand until it reaches what it's maximum size is, extending up walls and even across ceilings. The fluid ignores physics until it reaches it's maximum perimeter upon which all worldly properties of an ink-like fluid will take effect. The fluid generated by this spell counts as a source of darkness for the purposes of fulfilling power requisites. It does not however count as a source of natural darkness. [u]Abyssal Pearls of Obscuring Smoke - Tier 1[/u] Thessir creates a number of small spheres of swirling darkness in his hands. Upon leaving his person these spheres will erupt into a large cloud of pitch black smoke upon making contact with the first surface they touch. The smoke is thick enough to properly bar people from seeing through it. Upon release it quickly expands until it has reached it's optimal size. It's rate of dispersion once it has reached optimal size however is quite slow. The smoke is perfectly fine to breath, has no smell and is tasteless. The greater Thessir's magical might grows the more pearls he can generate. [u]Summon Darkness Elemental (Small) - Tier 1[/u] Thessir summons a small elemental being made of darkness. The being is a humanoid blob of inky black liquid. At this stage it is no larger than a house cat. It is able to control it's physical properties and shape with a fine degree of control. As it is a being of dark mass it is subject to the same properties, requirements and limits that other powers utilizing dark mass are subject to. [u]Sphere of The Undulant Abyss - Tier 2[/u] With this power Thessir conjures a condensed sphere of liquid darkness. The sphere is no larger than a coconut and weighs roughly the same but is soft like a water balloon. Upon leaving Thessir's grasp the sphere will erupt upon contact with the first non-darkness based surface it makes contact with. Upon contact the sphere will explode in a shower of ink-like liquid darkness, covering all surfaces directly exposed to it. The radius of the explosion is proportionate to Thessir's magical might. The force of the explosion is no greater than a splash from a regular fluid. The sphere takes darkness from it's surrounding to determine it's volume but it cannot increase it's volume using darkness created by Thessir. The liquid physically behaves like ink would. The liquid counts as a source of darkness for the purposes of fulfilling power requisites. [u]Ink's Skin - Tier 2 (Locked)[/u] This power covers Thessir's skin in an ink black fluid which clings to him, making him as dark as the essence he molds. On top of making his skin as dark as pitch the liquid substance also qualifies as a source of darkness for the purposes of fulfilling power requisites. [u]Zone of The Concealing Shade - Tier 2 (Locked)[/u] Thessir conjures forth a massive encompassing sphere of darkness. Outside the sphere all natural light is forbidden from entering and inside the sphere sources of natural light no longer shine or glow. The only light that can shine in the Zone of The Concealing Shade is light as a result of light magic and even then it's radius of illumination is greatly diminished. If a powerful enough light spell attemps to illuminate the sphere it will be destroyed. Darkness created by the Zone of The Concealing Shade does not count as a source of darkness for the purposes of fulfilling power requisites. [u]The Blindfold's Release - Tier 2 (Locked)[/u] Using this power Thessir can move any of his five senses into the darkness. Firstly this power grants him the ability to see no matter how little light is present, even to the extent of absolute darkness, while it is in use. Secondly he can a section of darkness as a remote substitute for one of his sensory organs. For organs that he possesses two of, such as eyes or ears, he can choose to extend only one into a section of darkness or even extend both into completely separate sections of darkness. If the section of darkness is illuminated or, in the case of dark mass constructs, destroyed then the sense that he extended immediately return to the organ it belongs to. Thessir is no less vulnerable to sensory overloads while his senses are extended into the darkness. The distant to how far a section of darkness can be for him to be able to extend his senses into it is proportionate to his magical might. [u]Breath of Stolen Sight - Tier 2 (Locked)[/u] Thessir uses this power to breath a dark smoke from his lips which will steal it's victim's ability to see. Upon casting Thessir breathes a black smoke from his lips which billow out in a cone pattern. Those who end up breathing this smoke will quickly lose the ability to see. The victims of this spell will lose their sight for a duration of time proportionate to Thessir's magical might, starting at ten seconds and increasing by thirty five seconds with every tier increment. The maximum distance of the cone is proportionate to Thessir's magical might. Upon reaching it's maximum distance the smoke will diffuse into the air, rapidly losing it's potency until it becomes nothing more than air. [u]The Hands of Fate - Tier 3[/u] Thessir summons arms wrought from the essence of darkness, rising up from surfaces bathed in the darkness. These arms come flat like cloth yet are able to exert a level of effort proportionate to Thessir's magical might. These arms do not possess joint but rather move like flat tentacles, each with an equally flat hand at the end. The maximum size and durability of these arms is proportionate to the sum amount of dark mass Thessir is capable of maintaining at once. The greater the arm's size is the greater it's mass is. Dark mass is shaped from the essence of darkness which is drawn from natural sources of darkness. The more darkness there is in an area the more dark mass Thessir can generate. Additionally the more durable an arm is the greater it's mass is. The greater Thessir's magical might is the more mass he can maintain. These arms can only take root in sources of natural darkness or in the products of spells which specifically state that they can be used as a source of darkness. These arms do not disappear if them and/or the source of darkness they are rooted to is illuminated. The arms will begin to slowly lose durability if exposed to light created by light magic however. The rate at which durability is lost as a result of exposure to light from light magic is proportionate to the intensity of the light emitted. In addition durability is only lost in the portions of the arms that are exposed to the rays of light magic's light, the rest of the arm keeping their current durability. The magical properties, requirements and limits of The Arms of Fate are shared across other powers which make use of dark mass. [u]Dark Passage - Tier 3 (Locked)[/u] Thessir can sink into the darkness before emerging elsewhere within the darkness. The darkness has to be upon a surface in order for him to emerge from it. He cannot simply emerge out of thin air. He can sink into any source of natural darkness or into products of spells which specifically state that they can be used as a source of darkness. In addition Thessir can use this spell to simply partially submerge a part of himself and have it rise up in another location. If the darkness he is submerging into is either illuminated or, in the case of dark mass creations, destroyed Thessir will be forcibly ejected from the surface he was submerged in. If he is ejected he will always be ejected from the point of contact where the majority of his mass is located. Thessir cannot submerge through more than one surface at a time nor can he emerge from more than one surface at a time either. Thessir can also pull objects and living creatures through with him. The size of the object or creature he is able to pull through is proportionate to Thessir's magical might. The rules of ejection also apply to all objects and creatures pulled through with him. The speed of submergence is roughly two seconds but Thessir can purposefully slow down this process at any point during the transition for as long as he desires. [u]Sheen of Rippling Onyx - Tier 3 (Locked)[/u] Thessir can use this power to grant any objects he touches an inky layer which hardens in response to physical trauma. The seemingly liquid like layer flows about the surface of the object without ever leaving a spot uncovered. When impacted with sufficient force the layer will harden along the surface where the contact was made plus a bit extra around the contact perimeter. The hardness of the sheen is proportionate to Thessir's magical might. The total number of objects Thessir can cover with this protective layer of darkness is decided the total amount of surface area he is able to cover. He can cover more objects that have lesser surface areas and less objects that have greater surface areas. The amount of surface area Thessir can cover is proportionate to his magical might. Thessir cannot cover living surfaces with this spell, only unliving surfaces. The layer created by this spell does not count as a source of darkness for the purposes of fulfilling power requisites. [u]Cruel Midnight's Exchange - Tier 4 (Locked)[/u] Harnessing the darkness's ties to life itself Thessir is able to conjure forth special arms from the darkness that leave their curse upon those they pass through. While these arms looks identical to The Hands of Fate and operate very similarly to them as well they are intangible like a specter's limbs, able to pass through all non-living matter without affecting them in any way. Should these phantasmal limbs pass through a living being however the being will be stained with darkness. These stains do not simply blacken the surface either, the entirety of the portion of the living being which the hand passes through is made as black as darkness. The stains themselves are harmless, not being a physical substance but simply a change to the material's color. Once marked however the being possessing the black stain will be subject to the curse. The curse causes those with the stain to suffer damage in Thessir's stead. If Thessir ever suffers any form of physical harm a portion of that harm is suffered instead by the cursed being. The ratio as to how much harm the being suffers in place of Thessir is proportionate to the amount of the being's body which is stained black by the special arms. While the special arms possess almost all of the same requirements and limits as The Hands of Fate they require more dark mass than regular arms. The amount of dark mass required is not affected by their durability since they are intangible and thus require none. They still require mass despite their intangibility. The duration of the curse is proportionate to Thessir's magical might. Strengths: - Stealthiness. - Strong Willed. - Studious. Weaknesses: - Frail Body. - Shy. - Deep Personal Issues. Other: [/hider]