The spell for detecting magic could, of course, be performed as a ritual in order to reduce the magical exertions, but by then, Dyn's spell would have run out. Although Jill was beginning to run low on spells already, she acquiesced, and the entirety of the world around her lit up in magical auras, each school giving off a unique light. As she examined the area, she described what she could see so the others could make sense of it too. The entire structure reeked of conjuration and transmutation magic, but there was no difference between the doorway and the other parts of the structure. The green-hued water had a hint of necromancy in it, and several items in the room had strong magical auras. From her position, Jill could make out a few potions, a necklace of some sort (seemingly with several colored gems on it), and what appearef to be a pair of spectacles and a feather. No doubt these items were collected from unfortunate passersby who were captured or killed by the guard dogs. "I don't see a trap on this door, nor any illusion magic," Jill announced.