With as low as the dragon was now flying, Sabine's spell could easily find its mark. The scales on its joints were still strong, but not invincible. Although it was not a deep wound, it did draw some blood, but more importantly, the ice magic could pierce into his body. It chilled the muscles and bones in his wing at the shoulder, which made it more difficult to flap that wing. Since he was already low to the ground, it was finally enough to bring him down entirely. The dragon slid across the ground, his massive body essentially digging up a trench through the soft dirt. He landed in the clearing, although his momentum brought him a fair distance away from the group, so they could not easily capitalize on his vulnerability before he was able to rise back to his feet. It was possible that he could still take off again, but for now, he was on the ground with them. Turning his body around, the dragon let out a furious roar, then another shout towards the group: [i]"Gaan-Lah-Haas"[/i]