[h2][u][center]Miracle at Medical Bay Bed 3[/center][/u][/h2] [hider=Coma Dream] [h3][u]A Coma is Like Sleeping But Worse[/u][/h3] On a rather violent explosion from their vessel, Matija tried running up to the to determine what the living shit was happening, as most people would. She ran out of her room and tried to check to cargo bay to see if the people in there was fine. As she did, another aftershock rippled through the vessel which caused her to lose her balance. This also loosened a crate that was already teetering off the edge. After that was a flash of white, and then came darkness… [indent]…pierced by the bright light of the sun rippling through the waves. She swore that she could hear multitudes of voices underwater, but dismissed it as water being what it is.[/indent] Matija swam deeper, onto the comforting ocean floor before closing her eyes again. In her mind’s eye, she could see people looking someone, talking something about finding them with a concussion. Huh. Perhaps a boat nearby had a passenger that have too much to drink. Ah, but that wasn’t her problem so she decided to block it out and resurface to get some air. On the surface, Matija sees that she had swam past the point where most people would dare swim without a boat nearby. Kind of. Around 30 or so feet away from her was their small motorboat where her father sat. He is currently asleep with his fishing rod in hand, waiting for a fish to catch. Matija told him that she would be fine on her own, to simply rest like the senior that he is. Instead he harrumphed, and insisted that he wanted to keep an eye on her. Funny, considering that what he’s doing right now is the complete opposite of what he told her. Matija grins to the thought how annoyed he tends to be whenever she points out his age. Then again, it’s true that he is aging. He’s not as spry as he used to, and he could never bench-press her like he used to 20 years ago. Not with the problems on his back. She thought of teasing him for insisting to come despite how tired he was from his night shift. With that, she swims nearer towards his line and started pulling it. He rouses from his sleep, startled at the tugging that he felt. He pulls up the line without looking, unknowingly grazing Matija’s skin just enough to make it sting and cause her to hiss and cry out. Panicked and confused, he stops pulling the line and leans down the boat with fear in his face. Until he sees the now recovered Matija who was grinning and apologizing as she tries to nurse the small wound. [color=darkgreen]“I told you not to do that! Dein fehler,”[/color] he said in a scolding matter. Matija laughs when the pain dissipates, and she boards their boat. [color=burlywood]“Ah know it’s my fault. Am sorry. Really couldn’t resist. But I did say you should’a juss slept in.”[/color] [indent] [color=darkgreen]“No.”[/color][/indent] [color=burlywood]“No?”[/color] [indent] [color=darkgreen]“Yes, no. I’m fine.”[/color][/indent] [color=burlywood]“Fahn, suit yerself. Imma juss sleep here,”[/color] Matija says as she would lie down on the beach bed where she would drift into sleep. In her sleep, she would see a man that would talk to her in the most annoying of accents. But he wasn’t half bad, maybe. If he wasn’t dirty all the time. But she remembers him as someone familiar, someone that she has known before. But she could not place him. Perhaps he was a friend, perhaps he was a face of a random stranger buried and borrowed from the depths of her memories. Regardless, she sees him, now lying near her. He was immobile now, and silent; kept safe in the arms of a hospital bed. Seeing him pulled her into immobility. Her body suddenly felt like a hundred tons, seemingly unable to respond to her will. Panic surges throughout her body, her breathing shallowed and hastened, and she feels her pulse strain against her skull. Voices would erupt around her and she could remember what seems like the silhouette of a child settling near her, observing. After that, calm would once again sweep through her and she found herself able to move a bit more. She closes her eyes and wished to be near her father instead, where she would be assured without words. He was always there, always a constant. He was there before and after everyone died and she felt like he was the only person that would bring her true calm. With that, she wakes from her slumber. Her bed was rustled by her movements within her dream, but it remained comfortable to her as it always was. But the emptiness of the room felt pervasive, the darkness imposing and malevolent. Was this her room? It felt like so, regardless of the absence of the sound of waves against the stone pavement. Her mind was awake, but her barely roused body would fumble to get a call to her father causing her to use an unsecured connection. It took a while, three attempts to be specific, before the call went through. On the other end of the line, she hears him breathing as the sound of idle machinery buzzes in the background. His voice was rough as he scolded her for calling on another unsecure channel, but his mere presence and concern comforted her that she found herself not minding it at all. He would sigh before asking her what she needed despite knowing what. [color=burlywood]“Ah cain’t sleep. I juss-,”[/color] a sigh from the other line cut her off. His previously rough voice softened into something more comforting. [color=darkgreen]“Don’t worry about it, Lorelei. That was a dream. A bad one, but a mere dream nonetheless. Ich habe dich lieb. Go rest. You need your energy for tomorrow.”[/color] With that he ended the call. Confused and now more alert, Matija asked herself if she had taken a job lately. As far as she knew, she hasn’t. She wondered if he was asking for help, but if he was, he would have told her through their codes. Knowing the man as a stickler to habits, she did not bother reaffirming, and tried to go back to sleep. Again with the same dream, same man on the bed, same room. She ran words and names through her head, but from the back of her mind the name [i]“Benny”[/i] seemed to fit the man, the boy stacking the shelves with medical equipment would be [i]“Maxi,”[/i] and [i]“Stryker”[/i] was the man talking to Maxi. It was odd, but as she learnt that she now has the ability to finally move and [i]float,[/i] of all things, the experience’s impact became less terrifying. This was a dream, after all. Matija would admire the room as few specks of thought came back to her. Much like a fog lifting, another object allows itself to be seen: herself. To be specific, she could see her body on another hospital bed near Benny in some kind of med bay. She and the man next to her were being assisted by machines with multiple tubes tethering them to what she assumes are sources for her body’s life support. [color=burlywood][i]“Weird,”[/i][/color] she’d thought to herself before she floats away from the med bay. Outside the room, she sees life bustling around her. Different individuals, all aliens and humans alike, doing different things within what seemed to be a ship. [color=burlywood][i]“The Rev’nant?”[/i][/color] she would ask to no one in particular. The dream felt surreal and… real. It was odd to think that Matija knew these, but she supposes that that was simply how brains and memories worked. As she tried to make more sense of the world around her through exploration, the smell of hospital sterility continued to nag her regardless of where she went. What followed was a near-silent mechanical whirring and beeping akin to the sounds that she heard between her and her father’s call. Confused, she would blink and find herself trapped and bound in an operating table where she would see herself being operated on. She would feel her head being split open and her eyes losing focus. Darkness overtook her vision and she would find herself unable to vocalize her screams as she feels her body being ripped asunder. [/hider] [h3][u]How Does it Feel Like to Wake Up After 27 Days?[/u][/h3] When she came to, everything was dark. All that kept her company was the sterilized smell, the grating sounds of beeping and tiny screeching alarms, and the pain of being torn apart ripple through her body. Despite her best efforts, her eyes refused to open properly, let alone focus and felt as if they have dried so bad that it stuck to her eyelids. While she laid on her bed now fully conscious, she forces her eyes to create tears to try and clear her vision. While she worked on her vision, she also attempted to make her voice and body move. Her throat was equally dry as her eyes, and was only able to rasp a small [color=burlywood][i]“Diddy?”[/i][/color] in hopes that her guardian was there somehow. But the lack of response made her feel fear and a level of urgency that triggered her fight and flight response. When she opens her eyes and finally registers the dark room, she would realize that it felt unfamiliar and therefore dangerous. While moving was equally as painful as having her body become a human pincushion while cold fire cooked her bones inside her body, she would continue her attempt to escape. She would manage to sit up somewhat and lean against the arm of her the hospital bed in order to peer past the bed. This would cause the faulty thing to give way from her weight and strain, toppling her over. A newer layer of agony passed through her body as she gasped and writhed in pain on the cold metallic floor. The wires and tubes connected to her body got ripped off as she fell and she was now creating a mess of blood mixed with various other liquids on the otherwise untarnished floor. Her body was refusing to work as intended, and she was afraid that she had been broken as she saw herself in her nightmare. After some time, she manages to look up and she sees someone else on a bed despite the pain forcing her vision to white. Her brain somehow assumed that this was Benny, regardless of how logically improbable it may have been. She would feel the room spinning though the filter of pain and agony and by the Gods, every sensation was dulling by the second. Still she manages to drag herself towards the man in hopes of alerting him of their situation. They are likely to be in danger, after all; and allies are always good to be had. But without the aid of properly functioning limbs accompanied by excruciating pain, consciousness eludes her yet again. Matija curls to herself on the floor before she could reach a hand out to the unconscious man. [hr] [hider=OOC] this has been written under the assumption that people are likely out for the night and that whoever the doctor is is currently resting in their quarters so there are no people watching over the vegetables in the bay (since it was said that they were presumed to never wake up anymore). also, it may seem that she’s dying but she’s fine. it’s just a bit of blood + dextrose water making it seem like she’s bleeding more than she necessary. though she’s having trouble moving because of muscle atrophy so physical therapy is necessary. good thing we have a lot of months to use for that. [/hider] [hider=Tagged] [@Rultaos] [@Crossfire] [/hider]