Jack smiled as he looked at Adriana happily "Alright Ri-Ri go and have dinner with my mother I will see you later on" he said happily as he stood and hugged her before watching as she walked away, he couldn't help but feel though that a piece of him was missing, he was in his own world thinking of what would happen if the two finally got together, there was over a decade of friendship between the two, they knew each other better than anyone else in the world, they knew each other's likes and dislikes as well as dreams and the two would probably make the greatest couple because neither would hurt the other. But the fear that crippled Jack was that she was one of his only true friends, one of the very few people who knew every dark secret Jack had yet she didn't think of Jack as a monster which was weird to him because he saw himself as a monster quite often. [color=pink]Allison 'Ally' Stacera was Jack's fifteen-year-old sister had just heard the great news that her brother was in town for a concert it meant that she would be able to see her brother who she had always idolized, her big teddybear of a brother who would turn into a grizzly whenever someone had hurt her and it had been too long since the two had seen or spoken to each other but she knew her brother still loved her because she'd always get gifts being brought to her at school and at home. Flowers, stuffed animals, among many other things. Though her brother always came home for Christmas which made her happy. "Mom have you messaged Addie yet" she called out to her mother who was in the kitchen getting ready to go to the club where The Lords of Captivating Hearts were going to be playing a welcome home concert where everything began.[/color] [color=orange][url=https://previews.123rf.com/images/curaphotography/curaphotography0811/curaphotography081100133/3888466-Close-up-portrait-of-an-attractive-red-haired-woman-with-freckles-Stock-Photo.jpg]Ariel Stacera[/url] smiled as she worked in the kitchen getting dinner ready for Adriana, Ally and herself since Jack would be busy getting ready for the show that they were having. She also knew another surprise that Ally and Adriana didn't know just yet. Jack and she had talked and he was taking a couple of month hiatus from playing shows to write new songs since this was the last show on their current tour and he'd be staying in the town where he grew up in his mothers home. Hearing her youngest child Allison calling to her she answered her daughter "Yes sweet hard Addie is coming over now she said she'd be a few moments she just got done visiting with your brother." [/color] As Jack was finished being made up by Crystal Jack too his position in the chair that the two other band members had been in already. Jack was curious as to what Crystal would do to get him ready for the concert since she had done different things with the two other members of the Lords of Captivating Hearts before he had time to say anything though he heard what Crystal said about how she knew Jack had known Ri-Ri but how she was different now and also she knew that Jack loved her "Yeah I love her like a friend" Jack said lying through his teeth since he had only admitted his love for Addie to Robert and Markus. [color=red]Robert heard what Jack had said and laughed to himself "Come on Jackie-boy we have eyes you are madly in love with Adriana you have been since you were kids and while I usually say that all men shouldn't get married or stay in a monogamous relationship with what I saw today between you and Addison I realize that I was wrong you two kids belong with each other and you've made me want to become a better one woman kind of man myself."[/color] [color=blue]Markus couldn't help but laugh out loud as he heard Jack stating that he only loved Adriana as a friend. "Listen, buddy, all of us here in this room loves you. And every single one of us with the exception of the beautiful young lady has known you since we were kids which means all we want is the best for you and Addie so you need to quit lying to yourself first because all of us can see the truth about how you feel. Listen to Black Death, Bequeath unto you, and Deadman's tale all of them prove what you already know. There is a famous quote from someone who I cannot remember that said any artistic person, whether it be an author, painter or whatever puts their own feelings, personal life experiences, and a piece of themselves into their work even if doing so without knowing those songs I just spouted off all have the same underlying tone a man deeply in love afraid to tell the person they admire and I thought this even before you told me of your feelings. Now you've written Winter Love a song that is so unlike anything you've ever written it's an absolute surprise to have heard it. And this song was about an actual incident that happened between you and Addie so I'm surprised she didn't know you wrote it specifically for her."[/color] Jack listened to what everyone had to say "Thank you all for your input, I'm glad to have heard it but..." Jack said taking a deep breath "You're all wrong Addie is my best friend always has been and nothing more. Even if I were to have feelings for her which I don't of course but even if I did. There could never be anything between us because I couldn't take the chance of losing the greatest friendship I've ever had. So please, please let us move onto a subject that doesn't make me want to rip every single hair out of my head one by one" Jack said still afraid to admit his feelings to the group of people. "And thank you, Crystal, for wanting to help me it means a lot that a complete stranger would do such a nice thing for me and also thank you for taking care of Ri-Ri in my absence I'm glad to know she has such a wonderful friend looking out for well being... Not to rush you or anything but how long will this take I uh... I need a cigarette" he said honestly not knowing whether or not you could still smoke in the club. [color=green]"Jack if you need too you can smoke in the dressing rooms I have no problem with that" Larry said having stayed quiet throughout the entire conversation. He also felt a little bad for having hit on Adriana now knowing that Jack had a thing for her.[/color] "Good I really need one" Jack said as he reached inside of his pocket and grabbed an unopened pack of cigarettes before having them ripped from his hand. [color=red] "No you've not had a cigarette in six months, you promised to quit smoking and you're going to do just that. Especially since you can't just smoke one every time you get uncomfortable. It's time you started standing up and dealing with problems head-on instead of just hiding from them" Robert said knowing he was sounding mean but he did what he had because he cared for Jack.[/color] [color=pink]Ally finished getting dressed and as she looked at herself in the mirror she couldn't help but grimace she had always hated her [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/c4/29/84/c42984f205ac91b231d3eb6944767528--halloween-hairstyles-beautiful-redhead.jpg]freckles and pale skin[/url] though she loved her red hair(she had dyed it to make it slightly darker than her normal orange-red hair) especially the way it was done now. "Mom is Addie here yet," she asked as she looked down where a picture of her mother sat on the table. It was a picture of when her mother was a child and she realized just how much the two looked alike. [/color] [color=orange]Ariel smiled as she finished supper and began plating it so they could eat as soon as Adriana arrived "Not yet sweetheart but come down she should be here soon" she said finishing up putting food on the table.[/color]