[@CryBloodwing] I guess that you are doing the same mistake that pretty much everyone did at some point when RPing online. Confusing godmodding and power gaming. Godmodding is what [@NuttsnBolts] described, whereas power gaming is simply well... you are trying to be more powerful than others are comfortable with in their games. If you are absolutely sure that you don't want to regulate your character to the level people want them to be, you don't need to, but you also can't complain when they negate to accept someone that would completely ruin the power balance. On the subject of character adjustment and characters taken from folklore. Legends exist in many ways and forms, and not every source agrees with one another. You are always free to reinterpret a legendary figure that you are using as basis for a character however you want. It's not because you didn't create a legend that it doesn't mean that you can't work around it. Legends themselves are basically a large collection of fanfictions that got told and retold util no one could keep track of what's right or not. Especially when the subject is someone like Lilith, who has a bajillion different versions around all manner of creative works, it's hard to tell how close to actual "vanilla" instead of a port from someone else's version of the character you are making. But I digress. The subject of the thread was whether you are committing god modding or not. And, the answer is no. If people are complaining that your character is too godlike it's because you are power gaming. It's confuse, but it's what it's.