[@Odin] Yeah, I was falling asleep when I posted this. It should have said "I should preface this by saying this isn't a request for roleplay, or anything of the sort" With that out of the way, I should explain that what you pointed out is what I never liked about harem plots in the first place: The main character is usually completely undeserving of the attention he gets. The writers will try to justify this by saying the guy is really nice, but that usually amounts to him just doing some miniscule favor or saying she looks pretty that one time. But, stuff like that works for the same reason Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey were so popular: it appeals to people with low self-esteem. In the case of harem anime, it's aimed at NEETs and shut-ins who are two afraid to talk to females, by presenting a scenario where hot girls fawn over him for no real reason, even against sense and logic. What I would like to see, and probably play out is a scenario where the main character did something to [u]earn[/u] the affection of his suitors and/or eventual lovers. I don't mean just passing someone salt. Like, say risking his life to save hers, helping another girl with some deeply personal issue she's dealing with, or otherwise making a deep and intimate personal connection with that girl, or just earning admiration through his strength of character or charisma. And that's also extremely important, a lead with a strong characterization. That doesn't mean some broken Mary-Sue God, but someone with a compelling character that makes the reader/player interested in him. What's also very important, as aforementioned, is the interactions of the perspective suitors. Are some of them friends? Perhaps enemies? How does their desire towards the main character effect their relationship? Lastly, what conflicts do all of them go through? One example for such a scenario would be a harem consisting of characters from different Capcom fighting games. Let's say Cammy & Chun-Li from Street Fighter, and Hsien-Ko and Felicia from Darkstalkers. In the case of Chun-Li and Felicia, there could be conflict with the MC, since he's a vigilante who has sometimes broken the law, and a non-religious man who is opposed to the fundamental teachings of Catholism. However, as the plot goes on, Chun-Li and the MC would bond over what they do have in common and she sees that while he doesn't always follow the letter of the law, he respects and upholds it spirit. With Felicia, the MC would disagree with Felicia's manhood and life of celibacy, eventually pointing out it was created to control and suppress women's sexuality, and is not healthy in the long run. As the plot continues, Felicia starts to come around somewhat to the MC's ppoint and rather than abandon her beliefs, reforms them into something that reflects what she actually believes. As for the suitors as a whole, it would be a good way to explore their feelings and sexuality as a whole. It could be a chance to deepen whatever bonds they already have, and perhaps romance can spark between them in some way. Hence it becomes less about "The fine stud who gets all the ladies, heh heh." And more, "How a group of people are brought together by their expanding and mutual love for one another."