[quote=@EldarionI] There was no harm in another drink. Being a dwarf of his physical state he'd need at least a barrel to be drunk, but he was hoping that the seductress didn't know this. [color=gold]Ok, one more, but then we go to my room. There's a barrel of beer there already waiting for us,"[/color] he said to her smiling. He knew that if he acted drunk after another tankard she be happy enough to go to his room. [color=gold]Two tankards of beer please, my darling,"[/color] he said to the barmaid. As she handed him to tankards of warm dark beer he took a few mouthfuls from one and sat the other down in front of the young women. [color=gold]For you, Miss..."[/color] he left it hanging as he had yet to learn the beautiful maiden's name. [/quote] [color=ed145b]"Ashana."[/color] The red haired woman introduced herself, a sly, cheshire grin. Carefully she took the tankard of warm beer. Not her first choice of drink, but at least it tasted better than that piss poor ale. Besides, a drink was the least of her concerns at the pressing moment. To her left, the dwarf, not yet drunk but getting there she figured. There was still beer to be downed in the bedroom as well. Perhaps...though she grimaced on the inside at the idea...she could fool around a little with Buz to get his guard down, and then... But alas, to her right, the Yazarian man, that musket an ever clear and present warning she should not cause a ruckus. Smooth and silent, that was the way to play this, the way she's always played it. Taking a few more sips of beer, she patiently, albeit not without a tiny hint of apprehension in her mind, waited for the dwarf to be done with his beer.