[center][h2]Offline_Coffee House_ [/h2][/center] Yasuhiro was doing part-time work more often these days, since the winter holidays had begun. He had both the morning and noon shifts today, which were from 8 am to 2 pm. Working here for almost 2 years whenever he had the time during school-time, Yasuhiro was able to make quite a decent cup of coffee. He appreciated learning the art (and it was an art), but it certainly wasn’t the main reason for working at the Coffee House specifically. Besides earning some extra money – his parents being kind enough to still send him a stipend occasionally – he worked here mainly to work on his interpersonal skills. The experiences with customers served him well so far, helping him grow in confidence, patience, and, most importantly, politeness when dealing with strangers, regardless of whether they were rude subtly or otherwise. [i]Thankfully, problematic customers are rather the exception,[/i] he thought as he brought freshly made cups of a Green tea latte, a Cappuccino and a Mochaccino to a table occupied by a trio of young women, whom he assumed to be students just like himself. Nagoya University was rather close after all and students were quite common (but not the only) visitors. And though Yasuhiro worked most often behind the counter, he sometimes served the nearby tables, especially when it looked like doing so would help his co-workers. It was more efficient that way. And as he eventually learned, it was beneficial for the establishment on the long-term if females served males and mixed tables (this had surprised him, as he had assumed it wouldn’t matter there) and if males served females. That was just one of the many little things that raised the approval rating in the end. Who would have thought? Truly, the human mind could be baffling. [center][h2]Offline_Apartment room_ [/h2][/center] Since Yasuhiro always had his phone on quiet during work, he only saw that he received an e-mail once he was finished and already in his small apartment flat, where he stayed through most of the year except the holidays. In fact, he was planning soon to return home to his mother, since she wanted to see him for the New Year’s and such. Sitting at his study desk, he checked his phone, checking any missed calls or messages, his mind already turning to school work. However, his other thoughts quieted as soon as he saw the e-mail Kohe Nanae, Hitsu Nanae’s son, sent. Certainly, the news of a favoured teacher going into coma for apparently no reason shocked him. [i]But is the reason truly The World? If so, playing might not be a good idea anymore. I would like to know what happened…but investigating might not be such a good idea. Still…I can go hear him out. I’m sure some of the others will go along with this, at least.[/i] They all favoured the English professor after all and even though Yasuhiro didn’t generally get so close to people compared to his other friends – and how he managed to befriend them all was still quite the mystery to him – he felt he owed much to her. And because of that, he would listen to her son. [center][h2]Online_Mac Anu_ [/h2][/center] Yasuhiro logged on to his PC and standing still in the marketplace he appeared in, closed his eyes and took a slow breath to get into his role. He played to distance himself from the real world, after all, so why would he not try being someone else? Here, he was Marill, a female, a fierce warrior, a good and co-operative team-member, coolly composed and prideful. Head held high, a hand on the hilt of her blade, she strode swiftly to the Chaos gate, her boots padding softly on the marbled pathways, the magnificence of the surrounding architecture emphasized by the golden hues of the lasting dusk. Her hips may have sashayed enticingly, but her icy glare and the tight grip on her weapon kept away any who might have otherwise approached her appealing form. She was aware of her beauty but also of the belief that others should gaze upon her afar, if they chose to do so at all. A few minutes before the meeting would start, Marill arrived at the Chaos gate and after entering the keywords, teleported. [center][h2]Online_Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground_ [/h2][/center] Knowing there was still time enough, the player behind Marill took time to appreciate the surroundings of what he thought was possibly a Lost Ground, but specifically taking note of the building, a grand cathedral. Pleased with the location but anxious to continue the quest given by a friend’s soon, Marill entered the building and after cursory look around the inside, she greeted those of her friends who were already present. “Hello, everyone. Glad to see I’m not the only one,” she sat down on one of the pews. “I’m guessing this is not a joke in bad taste, then,” she sighed sadly.