[@The Irish Tree] [color=00a651][b]Maria Falena[/b][/color] Maria looked a bit dumbfounded by all of this information coming to her by the other woman, "No problem...and i am sure the villagers..will be happy to be free" She said softly looking at the jewel encrusted sword. Now she had two weapons but the sword in her hand she did not know what use it could be, She could hanging it up somewhere in her room some place so their is that. "You look good..in the dress.." She said smiling towards Nephele, Being handed the rather large pouch of gold placed in her hand with more surprise on her face. Making her way out of the cave with her former employer nodding her head towards her, "Until we meet again..miss..and safe travels" She said warmly starting to fly towards the village. Once there she made her way into the dressmaker's store, "Hello..." She said softly having noticed outside the fog slowly disputing. "I have many things..to tell you" She added walking further into the store.