As the adrenaline started to bleed off Adam felt a bone crushing weariness seep into his body. It was not just his exertion from the fight but also lingering effects from Isabeau's power on him. His Talent was not like others, in fact it was so vastly different even he didn't fully understand it. Unlike others his Talent was always in effect, the trouble came when he used his power too much or too little. It was a strange delicate balancing act. If he restrained his Talent fully, as Isabeau had done to him, the chaos of his mind threatened to pull him in and leave him in a catatonic state trapped in his own mind. Too much use and he started to see patterns in literally everything, from the way leaves grew on the trees to the throbbing of blood in his veins. It could quickly overwhelm his sanity. Even as he gingerly made his way across the ground towards where he had heard Ren he could feel the precarious balance of his sanity slipping. He focused on the pain in his feet to keep in control. It was really quite excruciating. He could tell without looking they were badly cut and probably filled with grass and dirt. It would take quite some time to minster to them properly, time they probably didn't have. He cast a glance over his shoulder at Aleksandra as she examined the creature. Good enough for now; though he hoped to figure out a way to take it with them. It was clearly devoid of whatever life powered it but it was still dangerous in the wrong hands. If they couldn't take it they would need to dismantle it at least . Limping slowly he rounded the pile of random metallic junk that Ren and Lily were behind. “She's bad Master Adam” said Ren softly as he saw Adam approach. His quick eyes took int the state of his Master and recognized the telltale signs of extreme fatigue; Adam wasn't in a good way either he could tell. Ren gave a quick nod to his jacket which was lying nearby, he had the foresight to set it aside for Adam before he gathered up Lily. The woman felt easily breakable in his arms, he was almost afraid to move, she seemed that weak. Ren was more worried than he let on but he trusted Adam to know what to do. Adam grabbed the coat and shrugged it on, buttoning it as tight as it would go, thankful for at least the illusion of protection. Ren was a larger man than Adam, the jacket fell almost to his knees, a small fact but one he was grateful for. Still clutching his sword he moved over to kneel by Ren and Lily, startled when he felt a small weight against his leg. He reached into the pocket of Ren's coat and pulled out a small flask, arching an eyebrow at his servant as he did. Ren only shrugged back. “Lily you should drink this” Adam said softly as he he pressed the flask into her hands. It will dull the pain and relax your body so Ren can carry you easier. He cast about for something, anything, that he could wrap his feet in. He needed something to tie them up, take some of the roughness from the ground, and keep them from bleeding further. Ren guessed what he was looking for, he had a gift for knowing what Adam needed, and told him to use the sleeves of his coat. Adam nodded and quickly cut the lower parts of the sleeves off, tearing a few strips to use as bindings, folding the rest up to form the “sole” of these makeshift shoes. It took a few minutes, but it gave him time to collect his thoughts and breathe. He really wanted to go through the old buildings nearby, as well as take the creature back to House Ianus, but as badly hurt as everyone was there was no way they could do this alone. He needed to get back and have some others come do the cleanup work. As Aleksandra joined them he stood, a bit unsteadily, but the pain was at least diminished. He wished he could have some of Ren's liquor but he didn't dare cloud his mind, not yet. Aleksandra's comment on his “friends” he gave her a strangely dark smile. “In this particular instance that will be rectified as soon as I get a chance. We are all entitled to a little madness, but she was abusing the privilege.” Even as he finished speaking he heard the sound of footsteps coming through the forest and he could tell it was not Isabeau, but it was considerably heavier than Lucie. Grabbing his sword he stepped carefully around the pile of metal and looked down the path, mentally bracing himself for another fight. The relief when he saw it was Lucie almost made him go limp again. Almost. It was the bundle over Lucie's shoulder that kept the steel in his body. He hoped she was dead, but he could tell it was a vain hope. He could see her moving slightly, must just be coming too after being knocked unconscious. As Lucie dropped the woman near him he thought over everything that Isabeau had been through. Then he thought about everything she had done: there was good...she was a fantastic doctor, one of the best healers in the society. But her recent actions had destroyed anything good she had ever done, there was no telling how many people she had killed to create her Creature, and there was no telling what it had done since it clearly had been visiting the city regularly it could have destroyed any number of lives. Every one of the problems they had been investigating had led back to her, and he suspected there was more to her madness they hadn't even uncovered. As Isabeau go to her knees Adam made his decision and didn't hesitate. With the speed of a striking snake he drove his sword through the woman's eye, making sure to pierce the brain. A second stroke slit her throat and he made sure to verify she was truly dead before turning his odd colored eyes to Lucie. “Our work is not yet done tonight. Come.” He turned and and headed back to the others, leaving Isabeau's body where it fell. “Ren, take Lily back to the House. Ensure she gets medical attention from House Doctors immediately and have the cook make up some bone broth for her to eat after she gets some rest. She will need to rebuild her strength. Look after her till I get back. Also send some members here to clean up this mess, I'm thinking Deveric can pick three or four trustworthy members who will know what to look for, and what to bring back versus what to be destroyed.” “Aleksandra, Lucie, I hate to ask this after all you've done this day, but I need to get back to Isabeau's manor and deal with what I find there. If one or both of you would accompany me I would appreciate the assistance. Sadly we don't have horses so we must get there on foot.” Adam wasn't sure he was up to the challenge of the walk to Isabeau's house but what other choice was there. Her notebooks and research couldn't be left unattended. She had horses at least, and a carriage, they could use to remove whatever they could back to House Ianus. “Master you can't walk there, not like that” said Ren in protest. “Ren. Drop it. I will do what must be done. That is the way of things.” Adam's voice was cold and stern, but he couldn't keep all the exhaustion and pain out. “I will see you later, be safe old friend.” And with that he turned and started his slow way back down the path that led to Isabeau's manor.