[quote=@Dnafein] [@BladeSS4] The biggest thing I see is the age of the character. The Borg didn't start invading Federation space until 2366, that's only 7 years before the start of the rp. According to the lore the only Federation (i.e. Human) contact with the Borg prior to 2366 was the Hansen's; Who had to travel into the Delta quadrant to find them. And the Enterprise, who were thrown 7000 thousand light years into unexplored space. Of course, I'm just an rper. Kai has full say. [/quote] The Borg didnt invade fully until much later but there were a few encounters with the borg. Archer of the first Enterprise battled a borg probe once. Not to mention the borg did go back to the time of Zefram Cochrane but yeh the age of the character is slightly off. [quote=@Sirkaithethird] I don't think that the borg have been discovered by our date. If you could change the race that would be great. [/quote] Writing up a new character as soon as I can. Orginally was planning with a Romulan until I looked at the map and saw they were as the Romulan Star Empire. Would be strange for a Romulan outside of the star empire. So I will have a new character up once i get one together