It seemed a bit odd that she had been here only a few days but knew the streets already, but hey, can't say no to knowing where the heck you're going. He looked up at the sky and sure enough it was starting to fill up with light grey clouds and the scent of impending snowfall. He looked over to the young mage girl. "Well at least you had a part in their wedding. I'm sure you'll see him around again my friend." He kept walking foreward, excited to see the place. He knew it would need some repair work, but nothing major. Supposedly the previous smith left him all the remaining supplies he had rather then sell them to other vendors. Wood and leather for handles, Ingots of various metals, coals for the force, and a few jars of various oils. Surely he could start cleaning and working as soon as he got there, supposedly there was already an order on the front desk for him to fill as well.