[@WanderingDragon] Give all the characters really good reasons to come together, but you've still got a large group of people mingling together in a romantic manner. Be it a harem relationship where everyone wants "that D," or some type of weird love octagon filled with bisexual woman and a hetro dude. I'm having difficulty grasping what it is that you're looking for. If I really mince the first post you do say something about how you want your character to bring everyone together. Typically any team of people would have a leader. You could do a squad based RP where your character is a leader of sorts and all of the players form up under you. be them police officers, or members of a the school's book club. While I wouldn't call that a harem, that does sound more in line with what you want. [quote=@pugbutter] I'd do this with both the players acting as omniscient narrators, or at least as the girl characters, leaving the male lead to an NPC role. Because once the MC starts going down one girl's "route," the others will feel left out and grow frustrated with the game. Unless, of course, the MC gives equal doses of attention to many girls, in which case he becomes (IMO) less likeable as a character, which also harms the game. The genre isn't well-suited to group play, least of all when you enter it with selfish intentions. [/quote] I would say that another possibility would be for one player to be MC and the other to be all dem chickz. Then if MC does decide to take a certain character, it's not a big deal.