[center][h1]Ren White[/h1] [h2]The Coffee Pot[/h2] [@Rabidporcupine][@Poi][/center] [color=lightsteelblue][i]"Hobo- ah no, sorry - [b]wanderer[/b] by day, vigilante by night? That sounds about right."[/i][/color] Ren rolled his eyes, but there was a tug at the corner of his mouth. [color=lightsteelblue][i]"You really do resemble an animal of sorts... A raccoon or an opossum maybe."[/i][/color] Ren, flattered just a smidgen by Joseph's words, choose not to reply to the last bit. Almost all the food on the tray was gone, but Joseph just kept going at it. [color=gray]I hope he won't throw up...[/color] [color=lightsteelblue][i]"You better. And I will believe your story and that you're actually in need of help and not just a free loather. Or, well, pretend to."[/i][/color] Ren smirked. When passed the napkin, Joseph spoke some words that Ren was unsure was even possible to say in this modern day and age of technology. [color=lightsteelblue][i]"You don't have a phone?!"[/i][/color] Surprised at first, Ren sighed. [color=lightsteelblue][i]"How do you get the days to go by? Don't tell me - you have a fascination of watching the grass grow and counting the grains of sand at the beach? Either way, you [b]do[/b] know what a doorbell is, right? You haven't been out in the wild for so long that you've forgotten? Just ring the doorbell if you need to, sheesh."[/i][/color] Ren couldn't believe this guy. How had he survived on his own for so long, just wandering about? Ren seriously considered just handing him some cash, but he got the feeling that this guy was one of the stubborn types who wouldn't accept money just like that. Ren turned his head when Joseph talked to the brown haired girl at the counter. [color=lightsteelblue][i]"Uhm, yeah. We know where City Hall is."[/i][/color] Ren said suspiciously, raising an eyebrow slightly.