[hider=Amahle Inkunziushaka Carcharhinus Albimarginatus The Seventh, Fourth Child of the Empress, Second Daughter] Name: Amahle Inkunziushaka Carcharhinus Albimarginatus The Seventh, Fourth Child of the Empress, Second Daughter Aka: Amahle to her friends and equals, or, "Sevvie" if you happen to suicidal. Race: Siren Age: 24 Gender: Female Height: 6'/ 7'3(Silver Tipped Form) Weight: 170 lbs / 340 lbs Continent: Amanzi Appearance: [hider=Amahle] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/49/8d/79/498d7977842ca2f45e4d5abf5fec0400.jpg[/img] [/hider] In both of her forms Amahle is a rather tall or long being with a practiced grace and casual posture, as though nothing were of much concern at all for her. Her skin is a deep olive tinged with deep blue and green that shimmers to the surface when in direct light. She wears her black hair very long and often in ornate styles that sometimes take an hour or more to accomplish. She often wears hair ornaments and plenty of jewelry everywhere else. Her form always has a curvy and sensual appearance even while wearing half of a vicious silver shark. Her tail is long and sharp like the animal she shares heritage with. What clothing she does wear is often flowing and hardly concealing at all, preferring to wear as little as possible while still not breaking too many social norms. She has a marvelous form and loves to show it off, perhaps even more than some of her other kin. Personality: Born to Power: Amahle isn't like the rest of you, she's born better. She is the height of cultivated and carefully chosen mates made manifest in a single mortal form made for power. This is something she has been told her whole life and feels it deeply. She is not callous with her power, but, she knows that she knows best. This unfortunately can make many people rub her the wrong way and she does the same to them. Her confidence can often make people uncomfortable and her quick commands even to those who she has never met before can seem to come from nowhere. This is not true however. She does indeed possess a great deal of sway and power in her Empire as she continues to solidify her claim on the throne, even more so than most of her older siblings. She acts as she is best for her subjects and sometimes that means that some must suffer for the greater good of the world. What are a few hundred or thousand dead in service of the whole world after all? Born to Struggle: Conflict and competition are the stock and trade of Amanzi. The succession of one Empress or Emperor to the next is a struggle to either eliminate the other contenders or make them swear their fealty to you. This has crafted generations of nobility that feed and conflict and competition. Amahle is not an outlyer. Here she may uphold the virtues of her people more than most. She relishes the chance to test herself against anyone worthy with all of her ability. This does however mean that she often sees challenges where their might not be any and can lead her to work against someone for no other reason than for the love of the struggle. It certainly doesn't help that each birth of the Empress is made of a number of children but only one is ever born. The children must fight to live, even in the womb. Born to Learn: Amahle took to her education with a ravenous appetite. This has led her to devour all new information she comes across. She devotes herself fully to learning new skills and information with the zeal of an addict finally finding their fix. This makes her knowledge base impressive at the least and her ability to master new skills incredible, assuming she finds the skill worth having and could not just be done better by someone else. The other part of being so damned smart is that you need to know that you can not do everything and Amahle excels in this regard. She is happy and more than willing to delegate a task to a worthy champion and has no problem doing so. In the end her servant achieving greatness only speaks well of her as well since she was canny enough to know they were worthy. Born to Lash: Words can cut deeper than any blade and Amahle keeps her tongue as sharp as a razor. She is quick with a retort and leaves few challenges unanswered. It is the place of the leader to instruct their subordinates and how can they learn if they are not corrected, and corrected in a memorable way? In her country she has a reputation for getting into a bit of trouble with her clever words to the right and wrong people. Her position, self assurance, and general feeling of invincibility often makes her somewhat thoughtless with her words and her barbs. Born to Revel: Life is glorious and is full of so many great things to experience, why limit yourself? Amahle has a hedonistic tendency drives many of her desires. She often seeks out new experiences and isn't one to knock something until she tries it. This of course can cause some problems for her when she parties a little too hard for most who might join her. Her disregard for the consequences for many of her more indulgent moments has made her somewhat of a slave to her desire for carnal satisfaction. The heir should know all about how to entertain, shouldn't they? History: Born in a stream of blood and bits of other dead unborn she came, given her grandmother's name as was her right as second born daughter, Amahle Inkunziushaka Carcharhinus Albimarginatus The Seventh entered the world. She had a four year disadvantage on her siblings but even as a young girl never wanted to let that stand in her way. In her earliest years in the care of maids and teachers she showed ravenous ambition and a competitive spirit. Even those among her earliest caretakers saw greatness in her and they made sure she remembered to who cared for her well in her weakest time. Amahle does remember them, and well. Her early years were taken in the same way as her other siblings, lessons all day and sneaking about trying not to be caught all night. From their earliest years the children were pitted against each other and had a public ranking board for all of their accomplishments and failures. To one day be ruler is to always be in the sight of the people and they must learn this early. Amahle took to this treatment well even as a child. She made sure to do well and was praised for outperforming even most of her older siblings. She strove hard until she learned her first hard lesson. She was led into disaster when her eldest brother finally became fed up with her. He worked to sneak away payment for her teachers to grade her harshly and ensure she performed poorly. Amahle struggled against this as best she could. Of course, at the time she had real concept about using the system itself to work against someone and floundered under this treatment. Position declined to near unimportance over the course of two years. It continued to do so until she realized that her eldest brother had been making it impossible for her to succeed. That moment of enlightenment changed Amahle entirely. She knew at that moment that being the best would never matter if someone could change how people saw you. From then on she did not just give her lessons all of her focus, instead focusing on finding exactly how to destroy her brother and all of those who were working against her. Two years later her brother was found with a dead servant in his bed, raped brutally and set for all to see. This was Amahle's first victim and her first real lesson about The Game. She learned it well and turned it to her weapon. In the next year all those who once followed her brother were her's and she was still just a fifteen year old girl. She had learned the hard lessons fast and had a brutal streak that was terrifying to many who were asked to work against her. Fear and reward were her weapons and she was a master in waiting. The next near decade of her life was spent in much the same way. She found plots against her, rooted them out like weeds and planted her own in their place. She sometimes let others succeed in order to give them the confidence to speak out so she would know who her foes really were. She was a beast of the court, stalking from one challenger to the next and shredding them. By her twenty fourth year she was in the top three for contenders to the throne with many allies both known and unknown. She did not discriminate against those who proved themselves useful and even managed to acquire an exiled bastard prince from Lucerna who had led a failed revolt as her bodyguard. She gave him lands, titles, and recognized him in her personal court. Many found this odd. The human man was loyal though and skilled in the combat as well as possessing and different mindset than many in Amanzi. While the outsider would never grow to great power he remained her stalwart supporter in all she did. Weapon: None Pet: The Silver Prince Valter Dowling, Exiled bastard brother King Dowling of Lucerna, personal attendant and bodyguard. [hider=The Silver Prince] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a6/97/4a/a6974a321a0fd6a685f6b235c8933d53.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/68/02/be/6802be249a2b10deb932a3d68f0b2ea1.jpg[/img] The Silver Prince, so named for he did not become the ruler and instead got only the silver prize. He did not sneer at this nickname though and instead wore it with pride as silver is pure and glimmering. Valter has been exiled for nearly a decade now and seems to have no desire to return to his kingdom to fight his brother again. His armies were eventually crushed and his narrative of repatriating the Elven slaves in order to foster Lucernan purity crushed under the mailed fist of his brother. He now serves as the dutiful honor-guard and first knight of Amahle, accompanying her wherever she goes and acting in her stead often. [/hider] Powers: Name: Ebb and Flow Tier: 1, can be increased Effect: Emotions are like the waves themselves, they ebb and flow with the influences of the world around them. The power of Water here is to push or pull on particular emotions in the target. This is often done by many Amanzia courtiers instinctively to varying effects. This spells allows the user to either push an emotion down making it less present in the target or targets or pull on an emotion making it more prominent. This is often done to provoke or suppress a desired effect in manipulations or on the battlefield. The higher the tier it is used at the more powerful the push or pull on the emotion is. This spell is usable while speaking any words at all and is accomplished with what often seems like casual hand gestures that might appear in conversation. Name: Sea Breath Tier: 1 Effect: This is a spell learned by most in Amanzi. It allows the caster to bestow the glory of taking water into their lungs and breathing it like the air above the infinite sea. This is not often used in AMazi aside from those who wish to assist those who may come from other lands. It is simple and the effects last for eight hours. However, if this spell is not renewed and the subject is not able to purge the water from their lungs beforehand they will drown almost immediately as their lungs will be full of water. This spell also makes it impossible to breathe regular air and must be ended before the target can breathe normal air again. Name: The Flowing Forge Tier: 1, can be increased Effect: This spell uses the moisture in the air or a source of water and shapes it. It can form anything the user can imagine. The at first this spell can be used to create simple handheld objects like a knife or spoon but at higher tiers can be used to create larger and more complex shapes. These shapes can then be turned solid by freezing the water. The second part of this spell can be used alone to just freeze sources of liquid or cause frost to flutter in the air. Name: The Ocean's Mind Tier: 2 Effect: This is a common spell used by many scholars in Amanzi. This spell calls on the depth and all consuming nature of the ocean to empower the caster's mind. This spell allows the consumption of massive amounts of information expending the memory greatly allowing caster to recall vast sums of text, spoken word, or diagrams with perfect accuracy. Most use this spell in preparation for a research project or a court meeting using it to recall the information the consume with perfect accuracy and notate it for later use. This spell usually lasts for about two hours and after that the caster must either cast it again in order to still remember the information as it slowly fades from their mind as it normally would, or, refer to notes. If this spell is continually cast it can often make someone quite mad as they are incapable of forgetting anything during the spell's effect and often if used for an entire day can result in resurgences of information long thought forgotten even after the spell is no longer in effect. This information is rarely useful and often traumatic, leaving the overzealous caster forced to recall something unwanted with perfect clarity. This spell is sometimes used on a torture victim in order to make their punishment more impacting. Name: Rise, Water Tier: 2 Effect: A potent spell used mainly by warmages of the Amanzia armies. This spell ties the caster to all sources of liquid around them and allows them to maintain control over those sources as if they were extensions of their bodies, using them to cast spells, lash out at enemies throwing them off balance, and smashing torrents into foes. These sources of water must be external and offers no control over the blood or ingested liquids of those around them. This spell requires massive concentration and warmages trying to control the same source often have to engage in a battle of will to assert control. This spell is incredibly mana draining and the more sources controlled or larger the source drain mana even faster. Often this spell is used either in short bursts in order to inspire terror and disorganization in the enemy or as a last resort often resulting in the death of the mage as the spell hungrily eats away their mana and life force. Name: Ire's Thorn Tier: 2 or 3 Effect: A standard and direct assault spell known to any mage in Amanzi who can cast it. This spell causes a number of thin darts of ice to form either from the moisture in the air or in the liquid sources around them and then streak toward a target or targets. These projectiles are not terribly damaging and often can not kill on their own, and, rather useless against solid armor. However, they are very painful and if all of the darts are aimed at one person they can be very debilitating or perhaps lethal. The more powerful mages, usually warmages, cast this spell at a higher level turning the darts to thin and magically hard blades, sending a hailstorm on daggers to targets with brutal effect. Name: Medeina's Scorn Tier: 2 Effect: Created by the ancient Water Sage and named after her, this spell is included in all warmage training. This spell is normally used in combination with others as it has rather limited use otherwise. This spell targets a piece of ice that the cast can see and exert will over. The number of projectiles created increases with more mana spent. At base level it creates ten darts. They command this ice to shatter and it obeys. The ice explodes violently into tiny and razor sharp shards shower the surrounding area in painful tiny blades. This is a vary useful spell for interrupting the casting of other mages, causing chaos, and can be terrible when combined with Ire's Thorn. Name: Water Elemental Tier:1, can be increased Effect: A water elemental, useful for those with need of one and draining when used at high tiers. Creates a creature bound by the will of the caster that increases in size based on the amount of water in the area as well as the tier cast at. Strengths: Born to The Game: Amahle was born to family that hides the most brutal and cut throat behavior behind a facade of politeness and dignity. She took to this, well, like a fish to water. She is capable of telling lies and making ever herself believe them while also assuming a number of disparate personas in order to better communicate and get what she wants. She is incredibly manipulative and damned good at it. Unrivaled Education: Being the child of the most powerful royal family in the world has its perks. Perhaps sometimes overlooked is that those children are taught by the best in the world at whatever it is they do. Amahle knows all of the common languages spoken in the world and many smaller dialects. She has had intensive training in logic, argumentation, magic, philosophy, and literature. There are few in the world who have had a better education than she has and most of them are her siblings. The Most Important Person in the Room: While some might shy away from using their station as they might feel it diminishes their worth, not Amahle. She is quick to lean on her station and the power of her family as her armor and use it like a hammer to smash people who might stand against her. Getting what you want is often a matter of just letting the right people know you ARE the right person. Amahle does not hide from her position or deny her duties, she wields them like a spear and shield. Weaknesses: I Can Stop Anytime I want: To put it mildly, Amahle likes to indulge herself. She has a great deal of experience with many substances but she finds potions to be the most intoxicating, particularly mana potions. She uses them liberally during her training and just for fun. She is addicted to the stuff. Important People Don't Carry Heavy Things: Being the Scion of an Empress makes one entitled to many servants, and, well, you don't have to do all that much. This fact and the simple fact that she is a rather powerful Mage means that Amahle has neglected her physical powers greatly. She is not strong, nor is she fast, or tough. You Can Grovel, I Don't Mind: Amahle's opinion of herself is high, well, maybe high is not exactly right. She is pretty sure she the best person to have ever lived and ever will live. Her level of confidence borders on madness and she doesn't see any challenge that is too great for herself and no one is worthy of her attention, not really. Other: [hider=Cool Amahle Songs] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpG4t54g2fk]Born Depressed - Drill Queen[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj3Il9rKQO4]Sorry, Not Sorry - Demi Lovato[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4P8d04H1tw]The Haze - Device[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jle0ljg7yKE]African Military War Drums - The African Zulu Drummer[/url] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Aldin Salvar] Name: Alsin Salvar, Captain of The 15th Royal Grenadier Company, The Wild Geese Race: Human Age: 24 Gender:Male Height: 5'11" Weight:170lbs Continent: Lucerna Appearance: [hider=Captain Aldin Salvar] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e8/3c/95/e83c955b43066fe47409e7a36a0acf36.jpg[/img] [/hider] The first born son of Duke Gregor Salvar and Countess Vivian Derrot, Aldin has inherited the grace of nobility. His features are sharp and focused, eyes bright and intelligent just like all in the Salvar line. However, his mother's fairer hair and slightly thinner features stand out and set him apart from his black haired and broader siblings. The other thing setting him apart is the peppering of shrapnel scars all along the right side of his body and missing right eye. His grenadier training and practice has made him quite a bit more fit and powerful than most other nobility in Lucerna. While most nobles prefer to have commissions in the cavalry to gain great glory and be on horseback, Aldin went the very opposite direction and took a position as a flank officer with some of the hardest fighting men in the army. Aldin keeps his ear close to the beating heart of Lucernan fashion and culture, making sure he knows at least a passing amount about music, dance, and art. However, he loves fashion and goes to great lengths to make sure he always looks stylish and is at the cutting edge of whatever new styles might be in. Currently the more muted colors with simple calls to the House and Honors given are in style along with tightly fitting clothes coupled with a mantel and brimmed hat. The Green, blue, and silver of House Salvar is still represented on his clothing but only in small amounts and the hunting hawk of the Salvar crest rests on the back of his left shoulder on his thin mantel. Personality: The Salvar Duality: The Salvar family, both men and women are known well for a strange combination of disturbing stoicism as well as terrible passion. Aldin is no different. Learned from his father and some say in his very blood is the desire and fixation on showing little emotion or interest at all times. Of course, this doesn't mean the young man doesn't feel anything. Perhaps because of his stoic nature his suppressed passions burn hotter when they are roused forth. The Young Captain: All officers in the Lucernan millitary are nobility who have been groomed to represent their families and win honor for their family on the field of honor. Well, of course, that is the idea. Many of them are actually just lazy despots and have a nasty habit of getting themselves and their charges killed. Aldin Salvar and his father do not think that is the right way to win honor and glory for the House and Crown. Instead, Aldin was raised and trained to be a fine commander and carry himself accordingly. Aldin leads from the front and leads by example. He expects to be obeyed when the chips are down and always has an air of authority around him as a side effect of being in a commanding position for nearly a decade. He does not expect his men or friends to do anything he would not do himself and makes damned sure that they can get out of a sticky situation with most of themselves intact. Aldin is loyal, caring, and respectful to all he commands and meets. The Art Loving Terrible Artist: You just can't be good at everything you love. This is sadly true of Aldin. He is a terrible singer, musician, painter, poet, and not a very good dancer. While his body mechanics and footwork might be good in the dance of steel on steel, on the ballroom floor he's a bit of a mess. This has never discouraged him though and he carries on creating terrible art with the zeal of a fanatic. The closest he has come to anything resembling artistry was the one time he just adapted his cutting drill into a dance during a ball. Many found it quite interesting and some even joined in. Of course, any and all who were a fair hand with a saber saw what it was immediately and did a bit of damage to the young noble's reputation. History: Aldin's early life went by as one might expect from a child of a high born Duke like Gregor Salvar. He had all of his needs seen to easily and quickly while he played with servants, other noble children, and many adults that did not want him to play with them. He went to his lessons that taught him all he needed to know about how to be a good lord and man. Aldin spent a great deal of time with his father learning all he could about the administration of the Duchy of Korin. Along with administrating a province Aldin also learned a great deal from the many troop assessments and tactical briefings his father allowed him to attend. Soon enough, playing soldier and commander became the young boy's favorite games. As time passed, Aldin was no longer alone. He now had siblings, siblings he was to inspire and take care of. At least that was what his father and mother told him. He had a brother four years younger than he was named Kyle, twin sisters five years his junior named Katrin and Greyala, and finally his youngest brother Bruskra, a whole decade younger than he. Aldin was happy to have brothers and sisters. He finally had his own little corp of soldiers under his command. His officers in his little war games. Many of them were less interested in what he wanted to do, but, he proved to be a charismatic little commander and often talked them into joining his assaults against the arranged forces of bushes, hedges, and, on a really good day, the armies of visiting noble children. As childhood faded and adulthood came crashing down on the young Aldin he got his first real taste of battle. His first commission was at the age of fifteen and he was a simple Leftenant to The 15th Royal Grenadiers. What was expected to be a smooth and simple peace time position to get the young noble used to the rigors of soldiery, even as an officer, turned to hot war only three months after he arrived. His training barely completed the armies of the King were mobilized against the Silver Prince Valter and his slave freeing rebels. Battles are not won by bullets, artillery, or clever moves. They are won on the points of blades and the screams of dying men. The Wild Geese were a grenadier company and they held the dubious honor of not only carrying hand held explosives but also the first to engage when a charge was called and often found themselves storming towns, buildings, and forts in order to seize back territory from the rebels. Leading his squad of grenadiers Aldin found his experience lacking greatly and he often relied on the advice and skill of his sergeants. He soaked up all he could from them and while he made the final calls he made sure to hear out the advice of the veterans under his command. Aldin was washed in the terrible experiences of war snapping into his magical talent as well as his talent as a commander and fighter. Three years of rebellion tore the young officer to shreds and rebuilt him into the hard man he now is today. In the Battle of Crecial Fort The Wild Geese suffered their greatest casualties in any other battle. They were storming the walls of the fort along side the heavy Lucernan Knightly infantry, providing explosive support as well as shock assault force. Both of the companies were struck by three shells from friendly artillery that had been aimed slightly too low. The shells tore the companies to shreds in flashes of both mundane and magical light. Some of the casing on one of the shells struck only twenty feet from young Aldin and ruined the right side of his body. Only through the innate healing power of Aldin himself as well as the quick response of a nearby support unit of healers did he survive at all and with little lost ability. His right arm and leg still sometimes give him trouble and he has lost about half the hearing in his right ear. However, the only total loss he experienced was his right eye being utterly ruined by a fragment of the shell. Perhaps the strangest side effect of the shelling resulted in Aldin being the most senior officer left in the company. At what turned out to be the last serious engagement of the Silver Prince's War, Aldin became the Captain of The Wild Geese and his men accepted him with little reservation. They had seen him grown into a good officer, molded by the veterans around him and taking all of their lessons to heart. They saw that he cared about them and the victory of the mission in equal measure. In a single military blunder, Aldin Salvar became the youngest Captain of the esteemed grenadiers. A strange honor indeed. Wars do not end when they are over though. What followed that last battle was two more years of marching about and cleaning up the fragments armies of The Silver Prince and those factions that had sprang up when he went into open revolt. Eventually, the kingdom was pacified and something like peace returned to the land. The war had left the kingdom weak and frail, many other kingdoms and duchies in Lucerna were looking to their borders for easy pickings. Things just were never going to calm down it seemed. Regardless of the situation though, all men need some time away from the front. The Wild Geese were given leave for the winter to go and see their families as well as replenish their losses. Aldin had been away from his family for half a decade and was happy to come home to Korin and Salvar Keep even if it just was for a single season. He returned to find the whole keep a strange place compared to what he was used to. His father had fallen ill during the campaign and had been recovering very slowly. His brother Kyle had been without proper instruction during his formative years and now was a rude dandy at the age of fifteen who had a disturbing reputation for cruelty and sexual assault in regards to his servants and slaves. The House needed a strong hand and Aldin was there, so, he figured he would step into the shoes his father was too ill to fill at the moment. He decided to have a talk with his brother. This conversation did not go well. He found his brother to be a hot head, rude, and utterly unperceptive to reason. There seemed to be only one way to solve the situation. After getting his father's permission, he challenged his brother to a duel to the blood. If his brother won Aldin would renounce his name and claim, if he won, Kyle would need to leave the Keep, not to return and turn over the ownership of all his servants to Aldin. This was an interesting proposal indeed. Not only was Kyle an effective duelist as he had little else to do with his time aside from tormenting his favorite room servant Summer and practice the sword. If he won he would be the new heir to the Salvar House. He had everything to gain and was lured in by the tempting proposition. The duel was not an easy one. Aldin was nearly at his brother's mercy a number of times before he finally found an opening in his younger brother's form. In truth, Aldin had never been a great duelist. He was better at fighting for real, on a battlefield, and with men all around him. The restrictions and rules changed everything. In the end though Aldin saw through his brother and struck out quickly. He drew his saber wickedly across the younger man's cheek giving him a matching scar like the one Kyle had decided to give Summer. The fight did not end there as his brother became enraged. He struck out at Aldin viciously, cutting him a number of times as he raged. Aldin could do little at first against the onslaught aside from keep his brother at bay. He had not want to kill his brother, but, the duel was over. With a sudden explosion of blinding light and a magically empowered blow to the gut, Aldin put his brother on the ground and had him hauled away. Like that Aldin found himself in possession of twenty slaves and a hundred servants. He really had no need for that many, or any really, servants. So, he turned all of them over to his father's employ, all aside from Summer, the one who had suffered the most under the yolk of his cruel brother. He figured he could actually use an effective servant while he was on march. So, it all worked out. When the winter ended he departed from his House Keep and Korin, back to his company of rugged men. As far as he was concerned, Summer was part of the support staff of the company and treated her as if that was the case, demanding the same from his men. This wasn't much of a problem considering the majority of men he was around had never owned a slave or ever would own one. To them Summer was just a weird oddity and the worst any of them got was including her in some of their joking around. The next four years were not a horror show like the rebellion was. There was conflict and skirmishes on the borders, but, nothing serious. The Wild Geese moved with the army during campaign season and returned home when the year was done. They won honor and fought in plenty of small battles, but, nothing serious. Despite all the mild conflict and lack serious war breaking out the tensions in the region were always growing. The kingdom wa son the brink of war again. It would be a terrible time to be called away from the company. Weapon: Hanger and pistol(Normal) / Hanger, pistol, and grenades. Paired with a Lucernite breastplate (Battlefield gear) Pet: Vixeres [hider=HORSE!] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c3/0a/19/c30a19565962c89979ccd4dc8e0ebf78.jpg[/img] [/hider] Powers: Name: Infusion of Life Tier: 1-5 Description: The most famous and heavily employed aspect of Light magic. This spell converts mana in life giving healing power closing wounds, binding bones, and curing illnesses. This power is impressive even at a low level but can be staggering in effect on the target or the caster themselves and higher tiers. Name: Infusion of Vigor Tier: 1-5 Description: A spell that converts the power of Light into the essence of physical power in the body. This is a spell required to be a member of any flank company in the Lucernan armies. This spell increases the physical prowess of the caster by 50% at the first tier and doubles it's effectiveness with each tier(50, 100, 200, 400. 800 percent respectively). This spell increases the speed of movement, strength, and endurance of the caster making them an impressive athlete or combatant. Name: Shimmer Shot Tier: 2 Description: A common spell used among soldiers in the Lucernan armies. Shimmer Shot is a solid ball of Light energy that is formed to the same bore as the weapon you wish to load. The ball is then rammed down the barrle as one would with a lead ball. When the shot is fired the ball explodes on impact causing a flash of bright light as well as heat and some force. When the bullet strikes a person it often combusts inside of the target causing serious damage and trauma to the target. If it strikes an object that the force of the bullet doesn't break right away it bursts into a dazzling flash of light that can be distracting or disorienting to unprepared foes especially in the dark. Name: Illuminate Tier: 1 Description: Usually the first spell any mage learns. This is a simple binding of Light onto an object causing it glow brightly light a large candle or torch. The light cast by this binding can be any color the caster wishes and lasts for a few hours or more if the caster puts a little more mana into the casting. Name: Eye Bite Tier: 1 Description: Another early spell that is practical for signaling as well as in combat. This spell causes a sudden burst of powerful light in the palm of the caster's hand. This light is always white and blindingly bright even in the middle of the sunlight on a clear day. Name: Lingering Luminescence Tier: 2 Description: A spell favored by artists as well as many who want to leave messages or signals. This spell allows the caster to 'paint' images or words onto a surface that glow mildly with any color the caster wishes and can be a number of colors all at once. This is often used in art to make certain parts of the painting pop and stand out. It can of course be used to leave behind messages, warnings, or just provide a little bit of zazz to a sign. Name: Focused Luminescence Tier: 2 Description: A spell favored heavily by craftsman as well as woodsmen. It creates a focused beam of light from the hand or finger of the caster that is capable of creating a great amount of focused heat lightly easily flammable objects alight. Effective for starting campfires, candles, fuses, heating a small spot, or annoying people, but, little else. Name: Peer Beyond Tier: 1 Description: A spell very useful for any who need to move about in the dark or see through great deals of smoke. This spell fills the caster's eyes with Light power that enhances their vision making them able to see through the dark as though it was lit by candle light as well as making the obscuring smoke of a forge or battlefield light a light mist that is easily seen through. This spell makes the caster highly susceptible to bright lights though and is usually used with care and often goggles to protect the eyes from harm. Strengths: +First Class Martial Training +Tactical Insight and Leadership +Empathy Weaknesses: -Deception Inept -Trusting -Overprotective Other: [/hider]