[b][i]Natsuki[/i][/b] Natsuki went inside ahead of the smithy and the girl, figuring she best help warm her up as asked. Once inside she immidiatly began searching for a bag of coal, eventually finding a bag of it sitting in the corner. Natsuki tapped the butt of her staff off the floor and the bag started to levitate. Focusing on her task she briskly walked the bag over to the furnace and dumped it in. Natsuki took a minute to enchant the coal, making it catch easier and burn longer. She then took a Flint and steel from each of her sleeves and striked then together over the coal. When she did so the coals that we're struck by the sparks caught flame and quickly spread over the remaining amount. Natsuki put away her flint and steel from wence they came, then looked to the smithy and collapsed girl. [Color=pink]"You think it's because she's to cold"?[/color] Natsuki asked curiously.