Ehh... I guess this is it, then? I know Nessa did say a couple of times in the past that we could take over Thaler, but I don't think I'd feel entirely comfortable playing her, and it probably isn't much different for you, either...? I *could* e-mail Nessa just to make extra certain she's really gone, but I don't really hold much hope for anything coming from that. I did figure she'd return soon when I last talked to her. I'll post the actual timeskip-post when I'm home - it's in a text file on my main workstation, not here. It's sat there for a while since, well, I haven't really been able to figure out how we could feasibly continue from there with Nessa out (and ... some other things we might discuss in private, but not here)... At this point there is no way Aemoten would agree to leaving Thaler behind. Maybe rewrite the end of the timeskip-post to be slightly more ambiguous while I'm at it. I suppose we could have Aemoten alone meet Jaelnec one more time the next morning ... have him let Jaelnec know the four of them (Aemoten-Thaler-Etakar-Beatrice) will travel south to meet up with an old friend of his, or at least said friend's people. Or something. Might make more in-character sense than just having them evaporate without leaving a trace. Or, heck, I suppose we could have [i]all[/i] of them, Jaelnec, Olan, Domhnall and Iridiel travel south (Angora will have to go somewhere else ... planned was where Gerald/Jillian go), if those characters are to be written out, too. It'd probably be at least a couple of weeks just traveling for whoever goes there. (Otherwise I'll see whether I can get Legion to collab a bit ... say this week. By 8 AM on 11th of December my time.) I kind of suspect Olan would stick with Aemoten/Thaler, anyway... Not sure why Jaelnec would stay behind, but ... I guess it's for Jaelnec to figure out what he wants to do, and why, not for me. Domhnall will just go wherever Iridiel goes. As that path (them all going south) would eliminate all of my current played characters, I guess my next course would be write up a character sheet for one Yanin Glade (derivative of Janin Galeid, who is actually from the same world as Aemoten, and even met him; he'd essentially be his own Rodorian equivalent) and plop him down some bar in Zerul City. Probably whatever one the rest of the Zerul City bunch is. (Might bring him in even if it is only Aemoten and Etakar who are departing.) I still don't like the idea of crossing out my current characters like so (death happens, even coincidental death, but ... rendering them into some kind of universe holes people shouldn't know exist, but carefully avoid?), but ... well, what can I do at this point. Koraakan will stick around whatever happens; what happened, happened. Sounds like a good enough new plan?