“You actively [i]seek[/i] family time?...O-kay.” Abigail responded blandly, looking a little weirded out before putting on that same disarming smile that she uses. “You’re right nonetheless. On both accounts. Boring Fright Night, boring hotel. Man, nothing cool ever happens here.” Don’t say it, you might jinx it. Don’t say it. Abigail dipped her mouth underwater and continued shimmying around the edge of the hot spring, blowing bubbles instead of continuing her train of thought. The only times she resurfaced were to make very crude remarks about her friends and their indecency, but only in jest, as they also joined her in the hot spring. Meanwhile, a little way off, Brooks parked his ride a few streets away from the hotel, making sure to position it somewhere inconspicuous enough to not stick out. That was hard however, its colored siren and matching stripes ruining the immersion among the scarcely located mid-american car models. He climbed out and made his way to the fence separating the road from the outskirts of the hotel. “Of course!” she resurfaced a little as Molly connected her to the quintessential waiting room magazine. “I’m a natural fucking wonder, baby. It’s why I had to move here in the first place, what with all those professional photographers trying to sneak a shot of my-” With a huff and puff Brooks eventually managed to pull himself up and over the object, scraping himself in the process and botching the landing which incited a quickly recovered tumble from him. There was a hacking noise as Abigail swallowed some hot-spring-sulphur water with surprise. Her head jolted out of the water as she rubbed at her nose painfully. Her gaze settled on Brooks for a while, frozen in surprise, before one arm shot cheerfully out of the water and waved him over. “Good afternoon officer!” she cried, a big smile spread across her features Brooks froze on the spot, caring very little at the dirt he had gotten on his pants from the tumble. A million thoughts rushed through his head before settling on the most reasonable response: “What are you-” he stopped, recollecting his composure and thinking of something less incriminating to ask. “I thought I was hearin’ a drowning cat or something.” he lied, desperately trying to throw suspicion off him. “Drowning cat? Nah, just your drowning niece.” Abigail pondered over the excuse for a moment, but the way her big smile melted into a shit-eating grin was a surefire sign that she didn’t buy it for one second. “How come you didn’t take the front door, then?” Brooks instantly scowled, annoyed at the unwanted line of questioning he was submitted to, baring his teeth and forced to endure it he replied: “Ah you know… in case it needed help, shortcut.” “And you just so [i]happened[/i] to be wandering around right outside the hotel fence when it happened?” Abigail leant on the edge of the hot spring eagerly. “Nice to see you’re taking this pet finding business seriously for once, considering you told me they were probably all dead by now!” “‘Ey! Listen here you little brat, you know damn well this place counts as trespassin’, I’ve told you all a million times! Grab your stuff and be outta’ here in five.” he raised his voice, ensuring all participants heard. He didn’t really care about what they were doing, as long as it wasn’t damaging anything he rarely ever did. But he was dead set on finding out what exactly went down here last night, and the last thing he wanted was to involve the trio or be disrupted by them. “C’mon girls, we better do what the deputy says…” With a majestic splash, Abigail abruptly stood up and revealed her jiggly bits to the world as she went to get changed. “...Especially since I’ll get my ass grounded if I don’t,” she added bitterly. Something struck her as she was pulling her t-shirt on, though. “Hey - if this place counts as ‘tresspassin’, how come you’re here?” “I was told some of the lost pets were spotted here. I got reason to be snoopin’ around. Now scram.” he continued to scowl in their direction, arms folded and impatiently waiting for them to leave. Abigail stood and stared at Brooks for a couple minutes before muttering something in French and collapsing into one of the plastic chairs near the pool, waiting on her friends to get changed so they could all ‘be outta there in five’. Brooks scoffed, watching the three girls disperse relatively fast, and chose to ignore Abigail's attitude as he had more important things to worry about. After all had departed he began his slow paced search around the outskirts of the hotel, occasionally stopping to ensure he wasn’t being followed or watched to the best of his abilities. His goal was to get a possible vantage point on the window looking out of the hotel, potentially even scale up to it if the opportunity presented itself. For now however, baby steps.