[center][b]Druid[/b][/center] A girl that was clad in black denim jacket and jeans walked around the outside of the titans mansion. She was wearing a white tank top underneath but no shoes. She would have seemed like a normal girl if it wasn't for the fact that her skin was green with a texture like that of leaves. Her hair, a mixture seemingly of grass, leaves and small colorful flowers, flowers that were very similar to those that were blanketing the Titan mansion. The earthtouched hero had her arm extended at the building and the earth obeyed her will. Roots and branches slithered like snakes up the walls which gave the mansion the illusion of even greater age than it actually was. She was smiling as she decorated the mansion, a rainbow of colors covering large portions of the outside walls by the time she was done with it. She was still outside when the call about the attack on Eden came through the coms, hers strapped to her belt. She listened to the call from Red Sinna and she arched an eyebrow. If there was an invasion, she might be invaluable at the rescue of civilians with her healing ability. She stopped making the mansion a mix of pink, baby blue and yellow and entered the mansion. As she did, she covered herself in plants, giving her the appearance of an elegant woman wearing a dress of leaves and her height increased by a few inches. She then erupted in a flash of green and she was a massive eagle taking up to the skies and towards Eden, her wingspan great and allowing her to go to speeds faster than any bird. Her speed however would not be sufficient to get there in time so instead she caught up with a sword like vehicle and latched her claws in to hitch a ride. [center][b]Silver[/b][/center] The hero previously known as the Crimson Flash, now simply Silver due to the costume change, wasn't at the mansion but instead doing some solo work in Europe, taking down small time perps when he got the call about Eden. He didn't say anything in the com but instead began to run to Eden, reaching far beyond mach 5. Any water that was in his way, he just ran over the surface, leaving trails of dust, smoke and wind as he made his way to Eden. He arrived to Eden in record time, careful to slow down near residents on the way as not to break glass and cause collateral damage with his sonic booms. He did not waste any time either when at his destination, immediately starting to help civilians, helping them out of caved in buildings, grabbing them away from invaders and generally putting the beat down on any ground based enemy. He didn't take them on face to face either, instead using hit and run tactic wit such efficiency that he was never even caught by any of the henchmen. As he sped through the streets, he stopped and looked up at the flying Sable, the blue lantern. She was in the midst of taking care of shades and rescuing people. The silver clad speedster went just shy of mach 1 and finished off what shades were left. "Hi there" He called to the blue lantern. "Need assistance?" [center][b]Mindjack[/b][/center] Watching the battle from one of the rooftops, a persona that called himself Mindjack watched with great interest. He was wearing his "uniform" as he looked upon the war between dragons and shades, people with powers coming to the rescue such as a girl with a blue lantern ring. "[b]Perfect. A perfect sight[/b]" A slithery voice said within the mind of Mindjack. An ancient and powerful spirit of conflict that had made his residents inside of Mindjack for a couple of years now. "This is time to fight, yes" Mindjack said to the voice, getting the feeling of excited anticipation from his "roommate". He took a single step and began to fall to the ground. He wasn't worried as just before he was about to hit the ground, he slowed down and landed on his feet as gracefully as a feline. He looked left and right and saw shades molesting civilians. The Telekinetic raised his hands and with a force of will, raw concentrated kinetic force the size of his fists hit about a dozen shades. "But you won't be fighting this day" He said to the spirit within him and a small smile formed beneath his helmet.