I feel like you don't need to be a Christian, or even bring it up. You just need intellectual honestly to understand that an abortion is terminating a life. Especially so, after 5 weeks when it has its own seperate heartbeat. And that avoiding that whenever possible would be beneficial and more moral to do basically anything else. Contraceptives exist and are dirt cheap to free depending where you go. The cases for rape are incredibly minut compared to the abortions actively happening. Almost always done for financial reasons, like getting in the way of their college degree. When people bring up the health of the mother it's often referring to psychological stress of taking care of a child. (which literally most mothers have.) Opposed to like dying on the operating table, which what they want you to think. The problem isn't with the gray area. Often when debating pro-life vs pro-choice the opposition isn't being honest, they devalue the life and don't want any Middle Ground. And they want no limits on abortion. I like to try to give some gray area slack to this issue. But often the people who are discussing it are morally repugnant or in complete denial when discussing the issue. [youtube]https://youtu.be/OCSZYJywQPM[/youtube] That doesn't even get into that it shouldn't be taxpayer-funded argument or bringing up the history of why Planned Parenthood exists. Which was founded by someone who wanted to commit genocide against the race of people. To the fact that right now there are buildings carefully placed for insidious reasons, where they expect to get the most custom. Like tobacco companies putting places to sell cigarettes near school buildings. Smoke, no I don't hate you or even have a problem with you but you have to acknowledge that's gross. There's also an interview on the same person's channel performing an interview with someone who used to work there who was specifically instructed to sell abortion. So I'm sure this comes off abrasively, I'm sorry but these conversations rarely go well. The more extreme I see the pro-side getting in it's arguments, the farther I go to the other side with this issue.