[@Gardevoiran][@Rultaos][@mackielars] [OOC: Ready to post as necessary in these flashback scenes] Revenant Med Bay Shortly After the Battle of Rokarr [i]'Figures that this would happen just after we lose Maxi'[/i] Stryker thought as he rushed into medbay and found Benny and Matija out of bed and bleeding. "Tibulus, get that VI program the Rens left behind up and running!" He shouted "Give it full access to the med bay Life Support systems, right now!" Through the open door, he heard the heavy clunking of metallic footfalls. "SAL, get in here!" he called out "Help!" The two of them were able to lift Benny and Matija back up into the beds, and with a little help from the new virtual intelligence systems, were able to stabilize the two patients. Stryker only had a baseline know-how when it came to first aid, but it seemed to do the job, for the time being. "Well that was unexpected" he said to no one in particular.