[color=0076a3][h3][center]~Ceri~[/center][/h3][/color] [@Valor][@Lord Sawsaw2][@Savo][@Suku] Alexandria, Mis, Cyril, Saeko [hr] Ceri jumped a bit when Saeko shouted her arrival, sighing as she realized it was Saeko. Just the other member of their team. Nothing to be startled about there, Saeko was nice after all. A little...quick to action at times, but Ceri liked her. She was always so determined while she struggled to even fight a bug the size of her finger. Hopefully if she was just around them she could learn how to at least be a little more determined. [i][color=ed145b]"Well then, y'should of gotten more beauty sleep Saeko! Beautiful people do need their beauty sleep after all. Anyways, 'ello Mis-tifying beauty, Ceri, Sae, and Alex, hope the day has been treating you all well,"[/color][/i] Oh good. It was Cyril. Ceri instinctively put Mis between her and the other member of their team. Ceri really had no reason to dislike the guy. He was perfectly friendly...but he was overly so. When they had first met he had tried to give her a hug without her even knowing he was there. Yeah, that didn't go over so well. The Nest smelled like smoke for days after that incident. Really, she had no reasons to dislike him, but he was always so...forward. And that just made her twitchy for a number of different reasons. [color=0076a3]"Hi Saeko...C-cyril..."[/color] She greeted both of them with a pleasant tone regardless, though. As long as Cyril didn't try anything she'd be fine. [color=0076a3]"W-we should get moving, right?"[/color] She said, echoing Alexandria's words a bit. As nervous as she was after the announcement, she would feel even worse if she was late or somehow didn't make it on time.