[H3]Denis O'Brien[/h3] At first, Denis had been skeptical about the orphanage for 'supernatural' kids. He didn't believe that such a place would exist. But, much to his surprise, it did. He heard a few people in his old orphanage talk about it and how it was meant to be a home for supernatural children and decided that if it did exist, it would be a better place for him to stay. Coming across the yard, Denis looked around at the outside appearance. It definitely looked better then the last one. Hell, it looked like it would've belonged to someone famous or rich. [i][color=f7976a]Christ, how long did it take to do all this?[/color][/i] He wondered, impressed. Coming up to the door, Denis looked around before knocking. [i][color=f7976a]How many people are here? What if there's nobody here and it's all just a lie?[/color][/i] He wondered curiously.