[@Luna Amore] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=luM6oeCM7Yw She was like an open book to her friend, it seemed. No way of hiding. No way of dodging. Harley felt her gut wrench with those very few words she spoke, her palms sweat, her mouth feeling like she had swallowed sand. Sooner or later, Natalia was gonna pry the truth from her... So why bother hiding it anymore. Despite a few hiccups, their study session had gone well. Harley knew alot more now than she did about the scientific method, thanks to all those videos and articles Nat pulled up. It really helped her alot, and the cowgirl was thankful for that, but still...she was troubled. When asked if she wanted to print her paper, she merely sighed and bowed her head closing her eyes. [i][color=a187be]Dear God...give me the strength to get through this please...[/color][/i] [color=a187be]"Hey...Natalia?"[/color] She lifted her head to meet the blonde standing by the printer. Her voice...it was quiet as a mouse and shook with sadness. [color=a187be]"You...you were right. It wasn't a spider... I'm...sorry I lied to you again. I can't hold onto it anymore."[/color] She took a deep breath before resuming. [color=a187be]"That phone call I got earlier. That was my mama. She...well...she was calling to check up on me, and...tell me about my brother. He's...he's not doing to well."[/color] The tears...she was fighting them with everything she had, Harley, but one slipped as she opened her laptop and showed Natalia...the picture. [color=a187be]"This is him, my big brother Jack. He's gonna be turning 26 next July...that is...if he makes it till then. He was in the Marines, always wanted to be a soldier when he grew up. I don't know why, really. I guess...cause he wanted to protect me and mama and daddy. He was over there for about two years when...when his humvee got blown up and all his buddies got killed. Jack survived, but now...now he's in a coma...and...and the doctors are saying...he ain't ever gonna wake up!"[/color] That did it for her. How embarassing it was to her, to fall apart like this in front of a sweet young girl like Natalia, but Harley's face fell into the desk...and she cried every single tear she was holding back. [hr] "Nice tricks, Lena!" It couldn't be... Helena's heart skipped a beat in her chest upon hearing such a familiar voice yet again. Her face turned nearly stark white, her eyes almost bulging out of her skull with how wide they grew. Slowly, she picked up her board and turned around. There he was. [color=f7941d][i]Jason...[/i][/color] Not a word she said though, completely silent, in shock that he actually decided to show up. If the old Helena was standing here, she would have immediately run to him with a big smile on her face. Jumped right into the air and threw her arms around him, tackling him to the ground laughing with joy. But sadly...that Helena was dead and buried, beside her mom's grave at that fucking cemetery, the day of the funeral. Now...there was only her left. [img]http://www.le-happy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/IMG_1721-2d.jpg-630x945.jpg[/img] Helena looked at him for a moment, then sighed beraking her long silence. [color=f7941d]"So...what took you so long?"[/color] She muttered, albeit a tad bitter. What did take him so long? So long to show that he probably did still care for her, eventhough he had Madison and all his basketball bros? So long to show that maybe...he was sorry for abandoning her, for throwing her to the wolves like he did?