I was basically leaning towards him having a natural affinity, but very little experience at this stage. He has only studied the arts and dabbled very very lightly. The death spell he tried at the castle was basically his first attempted real spell, and as such as ‘awakened’ him to the flow of magic despite its general failure. At this stage he can only perform small and less destructive/deadly magics. Though with the affinity thing I was going for the can master something in relatively little time with enough determination and repetition (Such as the water purifying thingy). I was gonna have it as a slow progression type thing – moving on from simple things to basic ‘destruction’ magic and then eventually more complex things. Well I am more than happy to colab today – I’m at work right now and will be finished and home in about 5-6 hours from this post. (Though any time before them and I will still be able to contribute, I generally do most of my writing at work – I just can’t guarantee I won’t get distracted for however long).