[quote=@POOHEAD189] Why. [/quote] For starters, I'll preface this by saying I wish there were more countries on the list to be banned. However, that may be naive on my part because I understand there are other political factors in play preventing such a decision. I'm interested to see if more countries of predominant Islamic faith will be added, or not. 1) Europe faces the plight of mass Muslim refugees, and refugees of all sorts period. No Go Zones are a real thing, and I think it's wise to be preemptive rather than allow our country to follow the same path of let's say... Sweden. 2) The Muslim faith, until it is reformed, is largely not compatible with western values. Their religion is law whereas the United States has mostly cut religion out of law and governance. 3) Terrorism, plain and simple. Until we can find a demonstrably effective plan on vetting, no person from a terrorism-laden country should be permitted travel to the States.