[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/I8LjCOW.png[/img][/center] [@TheWindel], [@floodtalon] [hr] [color=7bcdc8][i]“That is [b]you[/b], isn’t it? Always hot-headed and charging into the throes of action… it’s this intuition that makes you so weak.”[/i][/color] Titanica simply stands still as she awaits the arrival of this newfound threat. She won't back down by a mere insult to her strength and endurance, especially the fact that this character engaged them first. She still has no idea why this character attempted to attack her in the first place, other than the fact that she may have stepped in enemy territory. But no matter. This will not deter her in any stretch. She does however notice that the raptors had stopped following her and the newfound "ally", which can only mean that they were ordered to cease. No doubt their master is ready to step into the heat of battle and good riddance at that. Titanica wants a proper challenge ever since that disaster revolving around a certain particular battle. She feels like she's ready this time and with her strength boiling within her gut, it's ready to explode. She just wants to beat this guy, take that black goat leather and walk out of here. But then the vassal hears the sound of something climbing up the mountain... something massive. And when it finally peered it's metallic head above the cliff top, did Titanica dawn a wrathful beast as she watches it raise higher... and higher... into the sky. [color=7bcdc8][i]“That’s the problem with you… things. Flesh and blood can only work so much until finally, [b]finally[/b] you slip up. You make a mistake, and your intuitions are rendered obsolete.”[/i][/color] Titanica knows who she is... and she's not amused at her opponent. [b][color=00aeef]"Archorus."[/color][/b] growls Titanica disgustingly with her upper-lip flaring as she sees her giant mechanical suit, looking much like her beast form, slowly ascend and then plopping right on the cliffside surface. The mech towers at least fifty meters into the frigid sky, it's silver metallic hull was cold and bleak. The red crimson eyes didn't help warm the mech in anyway as it presents an aggressive nature of its own. This may be the closest thing to a mechanized Titanica as it can get for the Vassal of Nether, at least for now. But the Vassal of Nether didn't care on who she was. All she knows is that Archorus is in the way of progress... and that she'll get what's coming to her if she doesn't move aside. [color=7bcdc8][i]“Yes, it’s been a long time my fellow Vassal,”[/i][/color] the opposing voice spoke from within the massive machine. [color=7bcdc8][i]“To think you wouldn’t recognize your own spawn kind… more foolishness of the flesh and blood. Mayhaps you enjoy what I have done to them.”[/i][/color] The organic vassal ganders at the bots that were crowding around her and her partner. So these raptors worshipped her in the flesh once upon a time? Interesting. She didn't recognize she had such a cult following. Sure there were native humans who worshipped her as a god once upon a time, but these were different. Then again, she is the vassal where all Saurian lifeforms evolved into their current state. But these mechanical raptors did not spark any more additional emotions other than the anger she already emits. Yet the Vassal of Ice continues to boast magnificently. [color=7bcdc8][i]“I did do well in making their adjustments. To think they would believe I was their goddess… it is a tremendous glory…and my machines tell me you bring a soldier of that malfunctioned trash as well.”[/i][/color] Titanica snarls at Archorus before taking a few light steps forward. [b][color=00aeef]"I do not have time to pummel your ass to the ground."[/color][/b] the organic vassal retorts, rolling her eyes in exasperation, [b][color=00aeef]"I'm only here to~"[/color][/b] But it only fell upon deaf ears. [color=7bcdc8][i]“An informant spoke of your appearance here. I intend to run some tests on this model using your combat abilities. Crushing the servant of that false queen will also be due reward…”[/i][/color] the mech finishes as her eyes light up menacingly and her chest opens up to reveal a blast of icy bolts coming straight at them. Looks like she's going to have to fight her way out of this one. With a surprising burst of speed, Titanica bursts forwards towards the massive mech just moments before the bolts could hit her. The point of view which the mighty mech was looking down would block most of her sight to where Titanica was... perhaps she may have considered the fact of her already being eliminated foolishly by standing still. Yet this wouldn't be the case. [center][hider=Beast Banner] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1dJIyWQ.png[/img] [/hider][/center] Once Titanica was right underneath Archorus, the vassal leaps into the air as her body begins to rapidly morph into her kaiju form. Her mouth opens to fire her atomic beam straight into the open chest in an attempt to disable it, followed by her massive arm reaching out to grasp her mechanical doppelganger's throat. Even if more bolts began to fire at her body, her armored abs would be able to mostly protect her from the cold shards of ice. The battle of Fire and Ice has just begun.