[hr][hr][center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/tznya388f/strange.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/50/5a/50/505a50029a8ff414616518076da7e5d1.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@mnkee][hr][h3][color=#0099cc][b]The Caribbean: April 4th, 1719 - 4:32 PM Local Time[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][color=0099cc][b]The Port of Tortuga:[/b][/color] [color=f7976a]"Why?"[/color] Aravis asked simply. Before Luisa's death and her resulting mental damage, she would have been furious at anyone who dared to speak to her like that. She wouldn't have even entertained the possibility of doing as Edgard requested. Yet without feelings, she was without opinions. She was without care. There was no way for her to attain emotional motivation, either positive or negative. Yet this will not be the first person Edgard had seen in his life that was so emotionally muted. In many ways, Aravis' body language and behavior was similar to Alisanne's. Only true horrors ever brought a smile to Alisanne's face, though. She was the creature that frightens monsters in their sleep. [color=0099cc][b]The Devil's Triangle:[/b][/color] The symbols are still visible, yet only to Millicent and Elissa. While they may have been faint at first, they are becoming more and more prominent. There is a slight white tint to them, as if the flask itself is beginning to crack where the letters are etched. Perhaps Septima would be able to make something of it, but do you really want to tell her what you can see? Anna may have been wise to leave Septima's body behind on Tortuga. Septima blinked twice at Anna's words. For a moment, she fancied that she simply hadn't heard the girl correctly, but she had. Her body was not among those retrieved. Yet without her willingness to comply, the restoration ritual would not take place. They needed her to give the incantation. She had been willing to allow others to live on with her - but without her? That was out of the question. "I see," Septima said, taking a few steps backwards. Her eyes flickered down towards her brother's body. It was almost a stroke of good luck that she had had to use her magic on him - it confirmed that it worked, even without a physical form to inhabit. Standing just a few feet away from the flask, Septima looked around the individuals in the cage, before an eery calm came over her face. [i]"Abite!"[/i] She threw her hands to the side. If you will, imagine the structure of this underwater cavern as something like a temple. [i]Abite[/i] is a spell that repels objects - in this case, the sides of the cavern. As these sides are repelled, imagine that the supports of a temple are blown out. What was once up, well...It comes crashing on down. The roof of the cave no longer has any reason [i]not[/i] to crush everything beneath it. It's probably for the best that you are all already dead. If the rocks hadn't crushed you or snapped you into two, the water rapidly pooling in would certain do its best to drown you. All of the bodies Anastasia retrieved are buried underneath the rubble. There's no sign of either Crypt and of course, no one had managed to retrieve the flask. Yet by the gentle tug you feel calling you, you know that it isn't gone yet. The flask is still down there - somehow.