It made it hard to focus on the flying with Hensen that excited. Sure she didn't even need to do anything for the most part, but she needed to seem professional. That being said his giddiness was drawing her in too. As he went on about his favorite heroes, arcs, characters and so on, Pria couldn't help but have her favorites come to mind too. She noticed he didn't have any magic based characters in his collection here but that didn't stop her from bringing her favorite up. "I'm a fan of Red Thunder myself." A female super hero lead based on destructive magic, all done in fancy water-color illustrations. She was pretty popular with Pria's demographic. Young up and coming mages, especially of the female persuasion. "I know she doesn't have as many issues or as long a history as some of your guys, but she's so well written! Her powers are crazy and are honestly one of the reason's I practice magic myself." She was pretty much off the controls at this point, and slipped further and further away as she got into her spiel. "Have you read any of her stories? If you haven't I'd really recommend them, heck I could send you the digital copy if you need convincing. I'm so excited for her crossover with Mind-Jack coming up, aren't you? You have a few of his books in there!" She was getting just as excited at this point, totally swiveled around to focus on the conversation instead.