[hider=The Bounty Hunter] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5UR0Z5Y3lBblNtRnVaMjhuSUZabGJtdHBiZywsLjAAAAAAAAAA/orbitron.medium.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/023/782/large/artojka-art-group-testing-2.jpg?1456144587[/img][/center] [center]Human 29 Male[/center] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7e/bf/0d/7ebf0dc76ddcb93ac113352f13089275.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwMDAwMC5SMlZoY2csLC4wAAAA/orbitron.light.png[/img][/center] [list] [*]Guns: Three of them. One is his pistol, a flechette gun that suffers against armour, but shreds flesh like it's made out of tissue paper. Rumours abound that the flechettes have been doused in poison, but since being hit once generally means that you will be in no position to actually escape and find out, people have never confirmed this. His other guns are his assault rifle- a modified TidinoTek Digistructor. These guns have no way to reload, instead they are thrown at a target and explode like a grenade, a specialist glove reconstructing the gun in a matter of seconds back into his hand. The final gun is a Ilakov Mark II, which can fold down for ease of carrying, ready to be unfolded for long range engagements. [*]Bolas: A set of metal bolas, using high tensile steel, electromagnetic fields and magnetic clips. Thrown at a target, they will either wrap around their legs and trip up the target, or wrap around vital gear, rendering it useless until the bolas are removed. [*]Wasps: Recon drones. Roughly the size of his hand, and linked up to his armour, so he can control it without any implants. [*]Breaching charges: Plasma. These were confiscated, as technically the ship itself was not designated as a non-aggressive target by the field. Place against something you don't like, stand well back, and with a click of his finger the object you don't like is gone. Not very useful against intelligent targets, since they have an annoying tendency of being removed from the skin and thrown away before they detonate. More useful against armoured suits or large animals. [*]Armour: Lars’ armour is a form of powered suit, if only slightly. It enhances his current strength and stamina, and also includes a HUD to control his wasps from. The suit also ensures sure that he can survive in space, if only for a few minutes. Finally, it looks really cool.[/list] [center]Attunement: Wind. Used to terrifying effect- especially in environments with a lot of small particles. You do [i]not[/i] want to see the remains of a kill target that Lars caught in a desert.[/center] [center]Unique Ability: Hunter's Gift: Lars can, using his attunment, 'smell' the wind for animals that may have passed nearby. Especially helpful when on the prowl for a human target, although it can get muddled when there are a lot of different scents. This is a trained, rather than innate ability, and requires Lars to remove his helmet, and spend time specifically controlling the wind for this purpose. Anything he has that gives a scent match helps greatly in this endeavour.[/center] [center]Personality: Don't fuck with Lars. From planet to planet, this bounty hunter followed anyone he was paid to follow. Some of the time, he was dragging back an escaped criminal to civilisations, other times he was settling an old blood feud, or exacting brutal vengance in exchange for his next pile of cash. He's undoubtedly a very dangerous man - and one that looks out for one person above all. Lars is smart though. You don't rack up a killcount like his unless you're quick and smart. Good at thinking on his feet, finding a third way, and occasionally blowing his way out of dead ends, there isn't a problem Lars hasn't been able to solve with his brain and his brawn together. Otherwise, Lars is as one would expect. He's a man of simple pleasures, and unlike some of his ilk, his rage is less red hot, and more a rumbling undertone. Thin lips, squinting eyes and fingers clenched tight against his gun mark out Lars' rage far better than barbaric warcries. So, once again. Don't fuck with Lars. Bio: Born on Earth, Lars didn't really have much of an opportunity for a normal life. His early life was marked by him bullying and undermining other children, his teenage years spent bulking up and hitting on girls. He joined a gang when he was seventeen, and it was in this gang that he ended up killing someone for the first time. Knife in hand and blood on fingers, he fled Earth, paying for his passage by settling minor feuds in shipping crews with liberal application of his fists. By the time he was far enough away from Earth that he thought he was safe, he realised that he was onto something from his previous gig. His contracts started small, mostly catching escaped minor criminals and dragging them back to the prison they were originally stuck in. Over time, and as needed, he slowly developed the skills that he would later come to rely on, buying more gear as he completed more bounties. He wasn’t enirely alone however. Originally, he had a partner. Whilst Lars doesn’t talk about his partner much, he does reveal, fairly freely, that they were the one that taught him how to shoot and track. Lars swears blind they parted thanks to a conflict of interest, and has never seen them since. Over the next eighteen years of his life, he hunted down well over a hundred people, and killed more than half. Only a third of his kills were done with legitimate autority though, and eventually his luck ran out, caught by the authorities and thrown into first a normal jail, and then the Alcatraz. [/center] [/hider]