[h2][center]Eli/Gar ~|Strike Team Base of Operations, Feena|~[/center][/h2] Gar observed the Tiss’shar’s reaction to his news, unsurprised about her ignorance about the current situation. With the hardships of the conflict, news rarely found its destination and often far too late. Calmly he waited for her to adjust to the new information before he nodded, following her lead into the cavern structure for their base. As his hand guided the entrance flap to the side, he stepped into the tent behind her. Idly he listened to her apologies then began to briefly detail their slow progress. The risks were explained upon their set out, especially the fact of being stuck on the planet for some time. “Yes, unfortunately it was believed best to pool the missions together.” Casually he sat on one of the makeshift seats, his bones’ creaks announced his gaining years while he considered his next words. “A request for assistance has been sent out and others will likely arrive with shipments. When or how it will be difficult to tell.” Unless asked, he neglected to mention their mission was purely voluntary. Not sanctioned by the Republic… at least publicly. Fa was a smart individual and he doubted she wouldn’t figure things out as she learned more about the treaty’s situation. [center] Just outside the Base Site[/center] Eli had sat down among the dirt. His eyes scrunched up in frustration as he examined parts removed from the newly open crate. It was a crude turret droid designed to monitor and silently kill any little nuisances that become brave enough to sneak into camp. So far, they had been lucky. However, the vet wasn’t sure how long it would last. Several machine parts were scattered in a chaotic fashion. Wires were knotted messes as the man tried to untangle them. That’s when the hairs on the nape of his neck rose in alarm, his instinctive fear tingling along his spine. His eyes narrowed toward the source. Where the Jungle met the edge of their base, noting several small, yellow eyes stare back at him. Eli’s breath caught in his throat. Through the gaps in the lush greenery, he could easily guess at their design. A heavy, reptilian pattern helped the small [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ae/86/0a/ae860a25073b19989cc7a449ee782831.jpg]felines[/url] to almost literally disappear into the scenery. Eli guessed there was about twenty of them lurking there. His eyes shifted to note only he knew about their presence. That didn’t last long when about five or six darted from the shadows. It's movements quick as they scattered among the nearest troops. Several leaped upon the men’s backs then torn past the clothing barrier into flesh. Screams erupted causing Eli to reach for his holstered blaster. He took a pot shot at the nearest one to him. Where a head once stood, only a sizzled and bloodied stump remained. At least they were easy to kill, came the grumpy thought. Another came to his right causing him to fire again. It seemed to sense his intentions because it hopped to the right. It let out a hiss then bolted for his legs. While the creatures were easy to kill, they weren’t easy to hit. Out of Eli’s peripheral vision, he recognized one or man had fallen to the ground. He held his leg before he trembled, slipping into a seizure. “Watch yourselves! They got some sort of venom!” Eli shouted.