[center][img]https://data.whicdn.com/images/136718400/large.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Alba Bellum [b]Race:[/b] Monster Demon: Wendigo, a cannibalistic demon that mostly live in snowy mountains. Due to the harsh environment they are forced to eat humans and even other demon to survive, becoming the pinnacle of food chains. (Magichange: Undecided) [b]Home world:[/b] Sheer Tundra, The Coldest Netherworld [b]Class:[/b] Hermit Overlord / Sheer Tundra Overlord. [b]Overload:[/b] [b]White Hysteria:[/b] The power of his netherworld fills Alba as he changes into his more demon form, gaining Wendigo like traits such as deer antlers, white fur/hair, and paler skin. Increase Alba stats by 30%. [b]Unique Evility:[/b] -[b]Cannibalism.[/b] If he defeats an enemy he gains a speed boost of 10%. Can stack up to 30%. Lasts for 5 turns after last kill. -[b]Cold Aura.[/b] Alba resists ice damage and strengthens ice magic by 30% [b]Weapons:[/b] Physical Monster Weapons A Magic Monster Weapons C [b]Personality:[/b] Living alone in the mountains of Sheer Tundra almost all of his life, Alba is incredibly bad at communicating with other to the point where his message usually come out differently than intended or he just becomes a stuttering mess. His catchphrase and most common question is a good example of this when he asks “Can I eat you?” But in reality he's just curious and is actually asking “Is your species edible?”. Although he has no qualms with eating others, his favorite foods are actually vegetables since they rarely grow in the harsh tundra he lived in before. He has a strange rule where he will only eat someone if a. They are his enemy. Or b. They give him permission. Alba is always either hungry or able to eat, and if given food he will immediately grow a liking to that person. Likewise if he sees someone hungry he will always give them food, even if they're an enemy. He has a dream of being a pro chef and eating all the food in the world. [b]Likes:[/b] Cooking and eating. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Wax food [b]Backstory:[/b] Life in Sheer Tundra was tough for it's inhabitants. Being the coldest netherworld in all the netherworlds, no vegetation grew meaning the only food source all of it's inhabitants had was each other. After years of brutal war between all of it's inhabitants, one stood atop all others being the last survivor, Alba Bellum. Being the last remaining demon on Sheer Tundra, Alba could be considered the Overlord of Sheer Tundra. After years of solitude a group of mercenary demons came to Sheer Tundra, their employer wanting the 'head of an overlord'. They had attacked Alba thinking he was a weakling and paid the price. After killing them, Alba had curiously eaten the food they had on them and fell in love with the new and different flavors. Deciding that he wanted to try even more flavors he left Sheer Tundra in pursuit of new foods, working as a mercenary in order to pay for high quality foods and ingredients. [b]Fighting style:[/b] Living alone most of his life, Alba has developed a very self reliant fighting style. Able to heal and buff himself without the need of others. He also has talent ice magic, although he learns it extremely slowly, making him a jack of all trades that leans more towards speed. [b]Skills:[/b] -[b]Frost-bite:[/b] Alba bites into the enemy, gaining health and a 10% stat boost to attack stat for 2 turns. Non-stackable. -[b]Snowball:[/b] Alba uses magic to create a boulder made of ice and jumps into the air before throwing it. It hits a cross shape 1 square radius. -[b]Ice[/b] Crack skills -[b]Do you wanna build a snowman?:[/b] A door appears between Alba and the enemy. Alba knocks on the door. The enemy opens the door and immediately frozen in place by Alba. Then Alba shovels a pile of snow onto the frozen enemy before putting a top hat and carrot on the pile of snow. Causes the enemy Paralysis. -[b]Shaved snow:[/b] Alba freezes the enemy into a block of ice, then throws that block of ice into a giant shaved ice machine. The machine activates and pink shaved ice come out, which Alba proceeds to eat.