Stina burped, and willed himself to focus through the haze of alcohol with the power of Varya (and perhaps a bit of his own ether). "It is our duty to protec-tect the empire; anywhere, any time, any...any...any..." Stina trailed off, forgetting the rest of the sentence. "I am, however, mostly unarmed and unarmored," he observed, noting that his axe, at least, was still attached to his belt. He didn't remember bringing it with himself, and he was glad he had now; with that and a bit of ether, he could probably make up for the lack of shield and armor. He stared off into the distance for a moment, thinking about planning strategy, thinking about the possibility of civilian casualties, then realizing he had no idea what the room looked like. "What do you know specifically aaa--aaaabout the room? Any back doors, any oth-oth-other ways in? How large is it? and do you have any ether I can use?"