Name: Ray Jenkins "R.J." Age: 16 Gender: Male Class: PokeFan Starting region: Hoenn Appearance: [img][/img] Personality: TBD History: RJ was born and raised in Mauville city. His parents worked for Wattson maintaining the power plant. RJ was always around pokemon. He loved to play up and down Route 110 with his friends. One day while doing a bit of fishing a strange man in strange blue clothes interrupted RJ mid catch spooking him causing him to lose his pole. The man went on about how RJ should respect water pokemon and their home, and that one day he might regret not doing so. After that encounter RJ pleaded to his parents for a pokemon to protect him. A few days later he received an egg from Wattson. It was a gift after hearing the couple talking about it at work. RJ was ecstatic. He did everything to raise the egg right. He read books, watched tutorials, and even took a tour at the pokemon daycare center. After weeks of hard work RJ was rewarded with an adorable female Electrike. He named her Trina. RJ and Trina were inseperable. They played together, they ate together, and even slept together. They were instant friends. Then when RJ had come of age to start his journey tragety struck. RJ's parents passed away in a car accident caused by a rampaging storm the Legendary Kyogre had started. So now without parents permission RJ was stuck to the immediate area of Mauville. Even after it was revealed in their will that Wattson was named guardian he felt it better that RJ take a mourning period. Years later after working under Wattson for so long and enjoying himself RJ had nearly forgotten his urge to travel. That was until one day after making a delivery he saw an ad on the side of the Pokemon Center. It was for the Collosseum in the Orre region calling for all challengers young and old from all over. The next day RJ had his bag packed and the cruise ticket bought. He couldn't wait. Pokemon: [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]