[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Janet[/color][/h2] [@Shiyonichi][@grandia20][@jynmi88][/center] Janet grumbled when Kyy ignored her offer just like that, as if he would rather sink with the entire ship than the piggyback ride. She doesn't remember doing anything against her allies. [i]Its just a small tavern, what's with the fuzz about that?[/i] The reason why is shown clearly when she saw the purple haired girl having to remove her cannon that she'd sent to Rainer. She definitely owed the crew an apology for endangering one of her allies' life from her sheer recklessness. To add to the situation, there was a gigantic figure back at the island. [color=ed1c24]"Shit I'm out of ammo..."[/color] Janet snorted. The battle was still far from over. Having no extra spears at the time like this, not to mention she is getting worn out from her explosions. Close combat aren't her forte, and attrition from those pirates have proved so. She looked back to see if her allies or crewmates are okay, but a spark of idea went across her head. [color=ed1c24]"No, I can use that as ammo..."[/color] Janet eyed the sinking ship that she was standing on. [color=ed1c24]"Burst steps,"[/color] Janet propelled herself up into the air, shouting to everybody still on the ship[color=ed1c24] "BRACE YOURSELVES, HEAVEN'S LANCE!"[/color] She sent herself crashing down the side of the ship. The enormous explosion from another use of her strongest technique tore the entire ship deck from the ship hull, sending it flying towards the gigantic figure of the island. [i]Now I've done my proper job as a Sniper, all our grudges will be forgotten with my good work~[/i] With one last burst steps, she sent herself to the lifeboat. She was out of explosions, as she closed her eyes and fell asleep upon landing, [color=ed1c24]"I'm really out of ammo this time, zzz.."[/color]